Friday Night Adventures

The Eventful Press, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 22, 2011 – by Ashlynn – Over the past few months or so and at the encouragement of Lady Phoenix of Dragon’s Watch, we have been holding regular Friday night events. These events are usually adventures to specific places, dungeons and the like with a fixed objective. Often this will be for the goal associated with the place we visit itself. Our trip to the dungeon of Doom for example, involved fighting through the gauntlet and defeating the Dark Fathers.

These things keep us unified and give us things to achieve. An upcoming task will no doubt be defeating the terrible sea monster, Charybdis! A creature we have all heard of, but that none of us have yet seen.

However, all are welcome on our trips, even those outside the alliance. Anyone who wishes to enjoy a fun (and often deadly adventure) and the rewards it also brings need only show up and we will be happy to accommodate any aspiring adventurers. Your skills matter little, only your enthusiasm to take part.

Most adventures are held on a Friday and we usually meet at 8pm by the eastern clock at the Tea House in PaxOku. Details are always listed on our calendar including any changes to the time and date. All are welcome and we hope to see you there!

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
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