News From Across the Realm, Volume 1, Issue 3

The Press of Horrors, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 22, 2011 – by Ashlynn the Tardy – We’ve all been busy little bees in august and the alliance continues to sail along, skimming the reefs and not yet running aground. But it’s not just books and booze that have made the pages – we’ve also been on a few adventures too.

Revisiting Corgul

Corgul can never be fully defeated, the magicks that empower him seeming to be a product of the Island of the Soulbinder upon which he dwells. But left to his own devices, he would no doubt amass a terrible army of bound thralls with which he could threaten the oceans and then the lands of Britannia itself. This we simply cannot allow.

On friday, we decidedly to preemptively strike his island home once more. Using the powers of the altar in Covetous, we located his shifting isle and struck with terrible force, laying waste to his current band of recruits and seizing his artifacts. The well planned expedition was a success and we returned richer and mostly unscathed!

The Solstice Faire

If we were celebrating the solstice, we were only a month out, but still, much fun was had at the Luna Faire on this thursday past. There were a number of fun activities on offer including one that involved dressing up Lord Dudley and Lord Drosselmeyer as we pleased, but also a little vorpal bunny hunting. Although it was more of a horde of bunnies and there were casualties as these rabite-like creatures can bite with some force.

Being rather fond of my ankles and toes, and only wearing sandals most of the time, I opted not to enter, but instead watch others lose toes, toenails and calf-flesh in a delightful mist of crimson ichor.

A Magickal Money Machine

Inventors are most innovative when it comes to parting people from their money. In Fortunes Fire the past weekend, we were witness to a strange contraption that gave out ephemeral objects made of ether. They did not last long, but long enough for the dealer to see. If you were lucky enough to get the right combination of objects, you would double (or better) any money given to the dealer.

I am not much of a gambler myself (and I was rather fatigued at the time), but it was certainly an interesting thing to make use of. On the otherhand, I did lose all money that I bet and I wonder if simple dice are more trustworthy.

Other News from Around the Realm

Nidaros Anniversary Moved

The upcoming anniversary in Nidaros will be held a few weeks later than originally planned. Mayor Zanku would like more time to plan a celebration that is fun and interesting. This also gives those entering the story contest a little more time to finish their works!

Introducing the Legendary Lady Sushi

Lady Sushi of Dragon’s Watch has been hard at work stripping the Sosarian seas bare of every ounce of marine life. It is not just the high seas that have succumbed to her predations. Every lake, pond, stream and brook has been assaulted by her fishing rod and net and there is no sanctuary for any fish out there. Or boot.

In reward for her aquatic exploits, the Fisherman’s Guild has rewarded her with the title of Legendary Fisherwoman, a status that now sees her ready to hunt the terrible monster Charybdis. Plans are already underway for such an expedition and people are already out looking for an ancient artifact that will allow us to lure this beast to the surface.

I too felt the need to congratulate her and making the most of my fine artisan skills, I present the Golden Fish Trophy. Though perhaps the material gold has lost much of it’s prestige in our lands, I imagine it is a better choice than some other substances. And at least you can safely lick it, which wouldn’t be advisable if it was say… made of cinnabar. Or lava.

Big Fish

On the topic of the aquatic, Crieton of Dragon’s Watch managed to pull up an absurdly large fish. I believe you can see it on display (along with many great and famous catches by other fisherfolk) in the Fishing Hall of Fame in Kijustsu Anei Village, near the Tea House.

Goblins Still Need a Bath

Mostly Ozog. But everyone knew this little fact already.

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
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