Tea House is Collection Point for Healer’s Cure Ingredients

PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – July 3, 2004 – by Winfield –  The Tea House’s mailboxes can now be used to drop off PaxLair Alliance-gathered ingredients for the Healer’s Quest. The ingredients are then removed and stored within the Tea House in 5 columns of crates on the first floor. You will see each column of crates marked with the type of ingredient. You can count the number of items in that column of crates and determine the number of ingredients collected.

The ingredients, as reported by Ashlynn in an earlier PaxLair Times article, are:

  • Vanilla (which can be harvested from cultivated vanilla plants)
  • Sugarcane (which can be harvested from cultivated sugarcane)
  • Cuticle Sac (harvested from the corpses of Terathans)
  • Blightborn Slime (found on slimes dwelling within the sewers and the swamp near Destard)
  • Raw Yeast (Acquired from Orcs)

Alliance members are encouraged to drop off any of the 5 ingredients into the Tea House’s Mailboxes to add to the collection. We will then distribute the ingredients to those who can create the cures. Then the cures will be delivered to PaxLair Alliance city leaders.

For a bit of background, the EMs said at the July 1st HOC meeting there is a Healer’s Quest that townships can complete and then become recognized within the Britannia Healer’s Guild. One township member needs to SHOW the EMs 50 cures at an HOC meeting. We do not turn them in to the Ter Mur Healer (NPC) until after we show the cures to the EMs. Completion of the quest with the EMs and acceptance into the Healer’s Guild will provide the township with a Healer’s Tent erected near the township banner; the Tent provides healing remedies to the township and public.

About Winfield

I am the Governor of the PaxLair Statehood. Our Statehood has four cities on the Chesapeake Shard: Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, and PaxOku. I'm an old mage and fisherman who's been around since the beginning of the Realm [1997].
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