Shadows over Castle Britannia

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 8, 2010 – by Ashlynn – Citizens of the realm were summoned to the castle yesterday evening to hear an announcement by the Queen regarding the recent daemonic incursions into the city. But before interested parties could receive Lord Balandar’s report, Commander Foxx rushed into the throne room calling everyone to arms – Britain was under attack.

The crowds gather in the throne room of Castle Britannia

The attacking force this time was no aggressive patrol or raiding party. A huge host of golems made from inky, black rock, led by ashen-skinned daemons descended upon the city, their eyes fixed upon the castle itself. Casualties were high as the relentless assault continued for some time – I myself caught the eye of more than one golem as it tore pieces of charcoal-coloured stone from its body and hurled them at me.

Blackrock Golems led by their daemonic masters lay siege to the castle.

As the battle raged on, the defenders found themselves stretched thin and on a number of occasions, some of the golems managed to break through the line and into the castle courtyard. A few even managed to make it to the throne room which we were to later discover was their ultimate goal.
The attack was so ferocious that even Queen Dawn and the Royal Guard were forced to commit themselves to battle, but of Commander Foxx we saw little after he had first raised the alarm.

Even the Royal Guard were forced to lend a hand.

Eventually the daemon-built constructs were finally pushed back and they appeared to retreat. The defenders cheered and everyone soon rallied back in the throne room before Queen Dawn. But it had transpired that those few attackers who had made it into the heart of the castle had stolen a mysterious crystal in a display case that stood before the throne. The Queen informed us that it was clear this was their intention all along which suggests that in the wrong hands, it could be a potent weapon or worse, though I can only speculate.

After congratulating us on our endeavours (though in light of the theft, there seemed little to celebrate), the Queen warned us that there could be worse to come in the days ahead and asked that we remain vigilant.

Defence in depth is an important lesson here.

And so the battle-weary crowd began to disperse beneath the dark shadow that now covered the city.

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
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