Britain is on Alert for Invaders

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – August 1, 2010 – by Winfield – Britain is on high alert today with soldiers watching for signs of an army preparing to invade the city.  Shopkeepers seem to be pleased with the increased traffic and sales, but are wary of the rumored battle.  Last time there was a major invasion on Britain (defeated on May 5, 2005), the shopkeepers had to close their doors while enemy lizardmen and generals freely roamed the streets.

At the Township Summit last Wednesday, Tavalia Zodok said there is intelligence that a military force is preparing to attack Britain probably on Sunday, August 1st around 10 PM ET.

About Winfield

I am the Governor of the PaxLair Statehood. Our Statehood has four cities on the Chesapeake Shard: Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, and PaxOku. I'm an old mage and fisherman who's been around since the beginning of the Realm [1997].
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