The Coronation of King Blackthorn

Britain, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 11, 2012 – by Ashlynn – Yesterday marked a historic moment in Sosarian history as a new monarch took his place upon Britannia’s throne following months of civil disorder, rebellion, and political squabbling amongst the nobility. His Royal Highness King Blackthorn was formally crowned at the recently rebuilt Castle Blackthorn before an enormous crowd of onlookers with Lord Dupre having the honour of leading the ceremony.

Issuing a grand speech to rival even Governor Winfield, the newly crowned King admitted that events had happened quickly but he promised to do all in his power to unite the Britannian people and return the realm to it’s former glory. The King also touched on recent events including the fall of Ver Lor Reg, the defeat of Exodus and the following Gargish plague.

As the king finished his speech the crowd cheered, many shouting “Long Live the King” and other words of support for our new ruler, though I did note a few others stood by in silence.

Once the ceremony was concluded and the people had finished their cheering, the King and Lord Dupre led the crowds via moongate to an obscure mountain valley where the realm’s finest carpenters had crafted fine – if somewhat gaudy – replicas of the King’s new throne for all to remember the occasion by.

A United Realm?

With a new King on the throne it is hoped we will finally see an end to the divisions amongst the Britannian people and the unrest that has followed as everyone unites behind our new ruler. But not everybody is convinced.

Already there are whispers behind closed doors and in the shadowy corners of the Kingdom’s taverns. A creature calling itself Blackthorn was an enemy of the realm once and some still wonder if this one is too. It is said that Blackthorn was not really the man Dupre and our old king knew, but we have already recently been witness to the chaos dopplegangers and doubles can cause. Is this Blackthorn just another?

Surely after the failure to seize Britannia through force of arms, a more subtle strategy would be the logical alternative. Some say Blackthorn’s appearance at a time when the Kingdom was most divided and the Gargish were plagued by a disease only he could cure was more than a little convenient.

Still others say we should judge people by their deeds and we should wait and see how the new King decides to rule. Lord Dupre appears to have faith in the man and it will certainly be interesting to watch how the King deals with any ongoing unrest.

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
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