Strange Obelisks Sighted

PaxOku, Tokuno, Chesepeake (PaxLair Times) – April 5, 2011 – by Ashlynn – On a trip to PaxOku this evening, I came across a strange sight near the town banner; a large black obelisk reaching for the sky with a curious arcane vortex of some sort above it.

The obelisks appear to be of obsidian construction.

Who erected the structure is unknown but runic writing on the surface of the monument marked it as a “Nematic Phylactary”. At first I thought it might be another plot by the infamous lich, Savaric, but a quick visit to a few other towns resulted in the discovery of more of the odd structures and I am pretty sure Lord Savaric only requires one phylactary.

This curious turn of events will certainly require more in-depth investigation especially into any possible sinister use for these monoliths.

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
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