X Marks the… What?

Luna, Malas, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – September 2, 2011 – by Ashlynn – In my somewhat tired state, I was told to take a trip to Luna Mint this evening. Apparently, some strange fellow had left a book near the Goblin Ice Cream stand (story pending on their latest creation) that would be of interest to scholars and other curious types. A book that led to Andrea Kildare in Trinsic.

Andrea Kildere as you may know is an official of the Royal Surveyors Office in the City of Trinsic, and her office happened to be full of maps. Having little time to spare, I was not able to give them but a cursory glance, but I hear the book and maps will be around for a week or two and anyone may take a look and follow the leads. I believe she is trying to locate something and all aid would be appreciated in such an endeavour.

So, you have a few weeks, go take a look and see what you can find!

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
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