The PaxLair Times Volume 1 Issue 1

PaxLair, Chessie (PaxLair Times) – December 11, 2005 – by Tatania

The PaxLair Times
11 December 2005
Volume 1 Issue 1
The PaxLair Times will be going on the stands Every Friday Evening.  I ask for deadlines for Ads or Articles to be Fridays at 12:00 noon by the Easten Sky.  Please send submissions via Pigeon [155 890 653] or by sending a personal message through the PaxLair [] or Chesapeake Sky Pages [Stratics Chesapeake Forum] to Tatania Karthina.
Thank you!
Tatania Karthina
PaxOku Historian
Editor – The PaxLair Times

-*-Current News Stands-*-
PaxOku Silent Rose Library – Tokuno, Homare-Jima – 87 54N 69 23W
-*-Words from our Mayor-*-

Hail my friends,

PaxLair is strong as usual, and getting stronger as part of a wide and diverse community.  We’ve had many successes lately with PaxLair Alliance guild leader interactions, PaxOku and PaxLair City developments, and even huge attendance at PaxLane events.

However, today I think upon a darker side – a side which many times goes unnoticed.

We know that Valtos the Void left PaxOku in a frenzie recently and established himself in the Malas Orc Fort, where we have an Auditorium.  His “Depths of Evil” cemetary-looking building only leaves me with a feeling he is digging deep into the Evil nature of our Realm to bring death and destruction to either our PaxLair or the Realm in general.

Valtos claimed the Realm is unbalanced and the Gatekeeper was not doing his job of keeping the balance of good versus evil.  There is too much good, Valtos said.

I, being neutral in nature, welcome more evil into our Realm; challenges must exist for us to grow.  I suspect we may notice an increase in Evil around PaxLair along with an increase in Good to combat that Evil.  Do not equate this to combat situations in all cases.  Evil is not just about combat.  Evil tries to twist the minds of others, deceive people, and bend their will to a singly focused purpose, whatever their purpose.

I saw Valtos at Luna Bank recently and I do think he is a threat to the good people of the Realm.  So be wary, good people.  Move with caution.  Watch the shadows closely.

Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair

-*-Interview with Lenora of “The Ladies of the Lair Tavern”-*-

The Ladies of the Lair Tavern is located in Felucca just west of the PaxLair Stables and two buildings west of Luigi’s Pizzeria and Bakers at coordinates 80 10N, 21 14E.  Newly redecorated and reopened,    it’s an inviting place to relax and enjoy a good cup of ale and wonderful conversation.  This is where I caught up with Lady Lenora of the Ladies of the Lair.  The Interview follows.

Tatania: First,    I’ve read your citizen ship book…     can you give me the highlights about yourself?. Just tell me about you

Lenora: I was born and raised in Yew, and moved to Paxlair when I was still young. I lived here for about two years before returning to Casandreal of Yew.  I only recently decided to move back to Paxlair for good!

While in Paxlair the first time, I was apprenticed to Master Luigi Aiello,and if I may say so, I can still make a fine pizza, Luigi style!
Lenora: *grins*

Tatania: Oh   I’m ready for pizza anytime you want to cook!

Lenora: *laughs* I’ll have to start making some to keep around here.

Tatania Karthina: Can you tell me about the Ladies of the Lair?

Lenora: I believe that the Lair was founded by NightzAngel, or at least she was in the original group. The Ladies of the Lair became blessed by the Gods early in its history. And when I say the Gods, I actually mean Lord British himself, in disguise!  It became a hub of the community here, and many quests and friendships developed from here.  As the shard split and new worlds were discovered, the Ladies became scattered and the community started to slip away.

And so, we have decided to try to revive the Ladies of the Lair tavern, by re-opening it on regular nights of the week so that everyone will know when it is safe to be here.

Tatania: Are you considering any quests or events for the future?

Lenora: Oh, of course! I haven’t any specific plans yet, but I would like to keep adventurers around. One sure way to do that is to have quests!

Tatania: is there anything else you’d like to say to the readers of the Paxlair Times?

Lenora: Oh, yes… on Wednesdays,everyone is welcome to bring a story with them from their adventures. It is a formal night for everyone to share their tales of the road.

As I’ve taken to saying, “Come share an ale and tell a tale!”

-*-Question of the week: If one wish could be granted to you for Christmas,  what would it be?-*-

I would Wish for Harmony
Cross MacLeod, Paladins of Virtue

If I had one wish for would be…  That everyone would Be Happy and Save and get Along for One Day! Wish All a Merry Christmas and Save one….*huggs and kisses* to All!!!!
Miss Kayi, GM of P|B

” a full set of armor of the pheonix!!”
Blix – BDC

-*-Vendor & Happy Ads-*-

The PaxRatOku Auction Vendor & Craftsmen Hall is now open in PaxOku!  Vendor spots are available for 1000 gold per week.   Please see Gareth for a vendor spot!

About Tatania Karthina

I'm the Mayor of PaxOku City and the Curator of The Silent Rose Library. I enjoy reading, cider, writing, distilling, fishing and discording monsters. Did I mention I like Cider?
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