Adventures of Kelin 8 – The Haunted House

Silent Rose Library, PaxOku, Homare-jima, Tokuno, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – October 17, 2009 – by Tatania Karthina –

The man in the other cell had managed to get to the other cell where the hole had been dug and then using every ounce of his strength he managed to break out the stones the boys had loosened. Had the man been fed decently over the past six years he would have never made it through the hole, but he was extremely thin. This man was adept in tracking and was therefore able to slowly make his way along the path the children had taken. He just managed to see the open door beneath the stairs and slipped inside and hid before it shut and the pirates thundered past. Remaining very still and quiet he heard the soft whispers and smiled to himself. The man remained invisible to all as he kept his post all day and all night, guarding the children.

Hours after night had fallen again the children made their move and using his skill of stealth, he followed them, slipping in behind them into the house. The man could not risk allowing emotion to get in the way so be bid his time and remained hidden from even those who he vowed to protect with his very life.


The note had been found by Pirates. These pirates however worked for Chad Steel and they headed straight for Magincia with it. Chad and his men studied the note and pondered where the children could be hidden. Chad finally spoke when his decision had been made. “We’ll sail to Marble Island. I’ve long heard that Captain Jack has a respectable house there that is not far from his men’s hideout. If we can find him, we can follow him back to the hideout. We fly under Magincia Colors and not our own. Captain Jack knows of me, but we have never met. Should he see me, I am looking for a spot for a vacation home.”

**Marble Island**

The Captain of the Pirates returned home in a rare fury near dawn. The children and the other prisoner had escaped and somebody was going to pay! He stormed into his mansion, unaware that six others were well hidden in his study. Followed by his Lieutenant, Jack turns to him and bellows! You let Broadrick get away too! We must find his son. Hasn’t anyone found out where the boy went in these past 6 years? If we had the son, we’ll get Broadrick to finally talk. I want you on that immediately after we find those five Steel Children. They surely have not made it out of the lost lands! get on it NOW!”

Kelin, laying flat on the floor underneath the desk tries to figure out what was said. It sounded as if they were talking about him and that the man must have been his father. It’s too much to think on now though while he is so frightened. He has to keep the others safe. A single tear rolls down the lad’s cheek as he remains quietly hidden.

The Lieutenant leaves and the Captain of the Pirates storms out of his study to the stairs and up them. The kids quietly emerge and make whispered plans. If they gang up on him they might can tie him up and escape. They had to try. The children crept up the stairs quietly, freezing in place for long moments when hearing a thud in a room at the end of the hall. After things get quiet again they quietly make their way down that hall and peak into the bedroom, surprised to see the Captain of the pirated bound and gagged, laying on his bed.

“I think a ghost did it.” Tara whispered as they gathered around the man.

Kelin looks to Tara and smiles despite himself. “I’m not sure if a ghost could do that, but somebody did.”

Gaius speaks up next, “Do you think we can find something to eat and find a place to sleep.? I don’t think we should be outside
before dark.”

Drago and Kelin nod before Drago speaks, “I think you’re right Gai. Let’s find food first”

The kids all trooped downstairs and found the kitchen, amazed to find 5 plates of bacon, eggs and toast and 5 glasses of milk already sitting at the table. “Atleast our ghost knows we’re hungry.” Lilly said.

When they were almost finished eating, the back door blew open and hay blew in, scattering on the clean floor. “I think our ghost wants us to hide under the hay in the stables while we sleep. Let’s go.”

*** After dark***

The children found a small row boat tied to a stump near the stables when they woke and ran to get into it. As the boys began rowing it away, they were spotted and the pirates ran to them, shooting arrows and bolts at them. From out of nowhere, the man materialized and began fighting the pirates making enough noise that all thought of the escaping children was forgotten by the pirates. The man bellowed into the night, “Just go Kelin! Just go!”

A ship suddenly appeared on the horizon flying Magincia colors and the children rowed as hard as they could to it. It was one of Chad’s ships and Drago had recognized it. As the crew helped the children onto the ship, the man fighting on the shores of Marble island gave up his fight. The kids were safe.

***Skara Brae***

The children recounted their adventure to their parents and then Kelin told what the Captain had said to the Pirate Captain, Kelin ending with, “I think he was my Da.”

The children went to bed and the adults remained up most of the night making plans. “I don’t want him to get his hopes up Chad, so don’t tell any of the kids that you are looking for his Da. We’ll keep them busy here so he won’t worry about it.”, Milla said.


The kids all sit at the top of the stairs listening to the plans, Lilly and Tara each holding one of Kelin’s hands. Kelin obeys the pressure on his hands and follows the kids to his own room where Drago whispers, “If anyone can find him and get him out, Kelin, it’s our dad. Give him a chance and if he doesn’t fins him, we’ll go back for him.”

Kelin nods and bids them all goodnight finally alone with his thoughts of the man who had helped them… He loves his Mama and Papa but can’t help dreaming of a Da of his very own.


The Saga of Kelin and his adventures will continue in “The Adventures of Kelin 9 – Savages and the Turkey!”, coming soon to the bookstore at The PaxOku Silent Rose Library!

Peace and Knowledge be with you!

Tatania Karthina

17 October 2009

About Winfield

I am the Governor of the PaxLair Statehood. Our Statehood has four cities on the Chesapeake Shard: Dragons Watch, Nidaros, PaxLair City, and PaxOku. I'm an old mage and fisherman who's been around since the beginning of the Realm [1997].
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