Fortune’s Fire Resort Opens!

Fortune’s Fire, Trammel, Chesapeake (PaxLair Times) – April 20, 2011 – by Ashlynn Built upon the sandy shore of Fire Island in the shadow of the great volcano that rose up not so long ago stands the newly built resort of Fortune’s Fire. This cluster of brightly coloured great tents erected by an unknown sponsor offers fun and games as well as the chance to simply relax on the warm white sands.

There are a number of things on offer for those wishing to visit the resort. Games of chance are held in one of the great tents. A beer tent offers fine wines and ales to those needing to quench their thirst, and games of marksmanship are held in another tent. Banking facilities are on offer in the tent closest to the resort gates and one of the doormen is on hand just outside to take care of your pets should you need it.

The main tents surround a beautiful fountain.

Should you just want to relax with friends, you can always sit infront of of the bubbling marble fountain or take to the beach just north of the tents where there are beach towels and sun oils available to those who wish to indulge in such an offering.

The opening night was great fun, though I fell asleep on the beach during the excitement. While lightly staffed most of the time, the resort is always open and there will no doubt be more events held there in the future. Assuming the nearby volcano doesn’t erupt and consume the place that is.

About Ashlynn

I play with movable type on behalf of the PaxLair Times. I sometimes move the little wooden letters around to create something resembling an article. And I come and go like the wind.
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