(this web site is an archive, 1998-2008)
A Role-playing Community of Several Cities with a Working Virtual Government! (Learn More...)
Established January 19, 1998 - Chesapeake Shard of Ultima Online
"Proclamation of Distinction by his Royal Majesty Lord British" on November 11, 1998


Port Baldmor

PaxLair City

Dragons Watch


UO Stratics
Shard News

Front Page News
PaxLair Times (NEW)
PaxLair Times
PaxLair Times (old)
Chesapeake Theatre Company
Govt Official Notices
Value of History
Weekly News (old)
UO Radio
UO Home Page
Stratics UO Home Page
Old PaxLair.Com

PaxLair Front Page News

PaxLair Web Site is Archived (1998-2008)
News Govt - Official Notices
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 16 June 2012

June 16, 2012

The Past: I am archiving this web site for reference purposes. It has information from 1998 to 2008 (and a little bit more recent too).  All users on this site are deactivated since noone needs to log in here.  Some links may not work on this site as things have changed or moved around the Internet. 

The Future:  We are designing a new web site for with more advanced and efficient website tools.  We will have current information, recent and historical news, special products (like pictorials and maps),  encyclopedic information, and more.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach us on the PaxLair OOC Forum (out of character) on UOForums.  You can also reach me, Governor Winfield, on UOForums via Private Message to user: Winfield.

News 2010 - General
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 03 November 2010

The PaxLair Community is still very active!  News here is being replaced by the articles in the PaxLair Times.  So to see our latest activities, go to

Don't forget, we have meetings every week on Tuesdays at 9 PM ET.  Those announcements are also in the PaxLair Times.

Dragonspeed to everyone and see you in the Realm!

Winfield, Governor of PaxLair Statehood

Decisions to make about Loyalties in the Realm
News Govt - From the Desk of Governor Winfield
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Sunday, 22 November 2009

Governor Winfield introduces the topic of Loyalties for a monarch in the Realm.  PaxLair Statehood is unique with three cities and many guilds of differing attitudes about good and evil and for or against "saving the Realm from evil".  Therefore, Governor Winfield offers ideas and options that might also be used by other towns, cities, and guilds in the Realm.

EM Vladimere Tours the PaxLair Statehood
News 2009 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 19 November 2009

November 19, 2009 - PaxLair Statehood, Chesapeake

The PaxLair Statehood hosted a special tour for EM Vladimere on Thursday, November 19, 2009. The tour was part of the banner and teleporter project brought up by Chesapeake citizens and the Event Managers. The PaxLair tour went to PaxOku in Tokuno, the Olag Hai Orc Fort in Felucca, and PaxLair City in Felucca. The tour of Dragons Watch took place the previous day. As a reminder, PaxLair is a Statehood of three cities: PaxLair City, Dragons Watch, and PaxOku. PaxLair also has various outposts, forts, centers, and favorite fishing spots (for the Governor).

The PaxOku tour highlighted the Silent Rose Library with a theatre and over 800 "player books". The tour also showed the Tea House that has house-to-house teleporters to PaxLair City and Dragons Watch; the Museum of the Virtues; and several other houses. PaxOku is focusing on cultural aspects of communities, history, events, quests, and creativity.

PaxOku (Tea House)


The Olag Hai Orc Fort tour illustrated history with the Interest Game Masters and Seers in the 1998-1999 era. The IGMs built a fort for the player-orcs, not requiring any player-housing. This orc fort focuses on combat-oriented events and interaction, preferably for Role-playing purposes.

Olag Hai Orc Fort


The PaxLair City tour focused on history and current activities in the city. PaxLair City was "blessed" by the IGMs and Seers during 1998-1999 with unique items in some buildings and around the streets. The City is the Statehood capital and available for use by all Statehood citizens; in fact, nearly all facilities (especially the "blessed" buildings) are open-to-all on the shard.

PaxLair City (In the street)


PaxLair City (Mage Tower)

The PaxLair tour covered about 30 houses and 10 outdoor features in three separate locations on two facets. It was attended by EM Vladimere, Statehood citizens, and visitors.

PaxLair 11th Anniversary Celebration
News 2009 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 15 January 2009

PaxLair Statehood -  January 15, 2009

The 11th Anniversary of PaxLair Celebration starts on January 16th and concludes on January 19th.  PaxLair was founded on January 19, 1998 in a quiet meadow west of the crossroads of Yew, Minoc, and Britain and the Compassion Shrine on Felucca.

PaxLair, now a Statehood of three cities, continues to be a vibrant community of several races of beings like humans, elves, orcs, and savages.  The three cities are PaxLair City (Felucca), Dragons Watch (Felucca), and PaxOku (Tokuno).  PaxLair's tenets of Peace, Neutrality, and Role-playing continue to guide the community through the years.

Annually, PaxLair runs a celebration to honor people and ideas of the past, present, and future.  This 11th Anniversary is no exception.  Each city sponsors a day of the celebration to hold events.

The 11th PaxLair Anniversary Schedule is as follows.:

  • Friday, January 16 - Dragons Watch Day - (Gates are provided from the Skara Brae Bank, Trammel (near the bank))
    • 9 PM ET - Darts, Archery, Vorpal Bunnies
    • 12 AM ET midnight (Jan 17) - Event
  • Saturday, January 17 - PaxOku Day - (Proceed to the Homare-jima, Tokuno moongate and head NE up the road into PaxOku)
    • 3 PM ET - City Play "Neo's Day Out in 1997" - new Yew Playhouse - gates from PaxOku Blue Light Tavern
    • 7 PM ET - Crafters Hall Event (repairs, goods, conversation)
    • 7 PM ET - Tour of PaxOku and Kijustsu Anei
    • 8 PM ET - Capture PaxOku (alliance PVP for Capture the Flag type rules) - postponed
    • 9:30 PM ET - Savage Hunt at Tokuno Champ Spawn
  • Sunday, January 18 - PaxLair City Day - (Gates are provided from the Skara Brae Bank, Trammel (near the bank))
    • 7 PM ET - Event
    • 8 PM ET - Event
  • Monday, January 19 - Statehood Day - (Gates are provided from the Skara Brae Bank, Trammel (near the bank))
    • 7 PM ET - Dragons Watch Tour led by Mayor NANOC
    • 9 PM ET - Anniversary Dinner prepared by Lenora - PaxLair City, Felucca
      • Statehood Speech by Governor Winfield
    • 10 PM ET - Capture PaxOku (alliance PVP for Capture the Flag type rules)
Everyone is welcome at the PaxLair Anniversary!
PaxLair City Superb Event! Tycho Veg Book Release
News 2008 - PaxLair City
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 24 July 2008

PAXLAIR CITY - July 24, 2008

We have not published much information lately on the ethereal PaxLair Site .... sorry about that.  BUT, we have a very, very notable event with lots of history!


Lenora penning the Tycho Veg Biography

Yes, Lenora has researched and penned a Biography of Tycho Veg, a long-ago citizen and official of PaxLair City well before PaxLair became a Statehood.  So this is many years ago, practically to the beginning of PaxLair (ca. 1998).

Tycho Veg was one of then Mayor Winfield's chancellors and the one who also invented the flying machine ... among other contraptions.

Lenora will RELEASE the book to an open BANQUET as follows:

  • Date: Sunday, July 27, 2008
  • Time: 8 PM Eastern Tim
  • Location: Luigi's Cafe behind the Twin Towers, PaxLair City, Felucca



The PaxLair City (Luigi's) Outdoor Cafe

First copies of the book will be available for a mere 100 gold to help in the upkeep of the PaxLair Library in the Mage Tower.  See the Library there for many more books of interest!

We hope to see everyone at this event!


Winfield, Old Man and Governor of PaxLair Statehood

Acting Governors Needed, May 27 to July 1
News 2008 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Friday, 23 May 2008

May 23, 2008 - PaxLair Statehood

Governor Winfield announced at the PaxLair Statehood meeting on May 20, 2008 that he will be on a very long fishing trip during the month of June. Therefore, rather than appointing an acting governor for the entire month, he came up with a rare and interesting Role-playing opportunity for citizens of the PaxLair Statehood. This opportunity will run from May 27 to July 1, 2008.

Each week at the end of the regular Tuesday PaxLair meetings, a new governor will be appointed for one week by the last acting governor. Here is how it will work.

1. At the PaxLair meeting on May 27, 2008, Governor Winfield will run the meeting as usual. At the end, he will appoint someone from the audience as acting governor. This someone will be a volunteer willing to take on the reigns of being governor for the week.

2. At the next PaxLair meeting on June 3, that acting governor will run the PaxLair Statehood meeting as his or her final duty. Then appoint a new acting governor from the audience for the next week.

3. And so on, through July 1. On July 1, the governorship will be transfered back to Governor Winfield.

Here are more notes about this opportunity.

1. There are no elections for acting governor. The mayors of the cities of the Statehood will ensure acting governor appointments go smoothly and judiciously.

2. If an acting governor from the citizenry is unable to be appointed, one of the mayors of the cities will be appointed as acting governor for that week. This could happen if there is no one willing to volunteer.

3. The acting governor has authorities of the governor's position as follows. (Can be a "he" or "she" in the following).

  • He does not have law-making authority.
  • He has decree-making authority, but the decree is only good for the week he is the acting governor.
  • Decrees must be lawful.
  • Any potentially unlawful acts are subject to a hearing by acting Chief Justice Phoenix of the Statehood.
  • May not enter into any long-term binding treaties.
  • The mayors of Dragons Watch, PaxLair City, and PaxOku have the authority to remove an acting governor or step in at any time if they deem it necessary.

4. The duties of the acting governor are:

  • Minimally, he will choose a location for the next PaxLair Weekly Meeting, announce it, publicize it, and run the meeting. Mayors and other people may help in this regard.
  • May represent the PaxLair Statehood at various events throughout the shard.
  • May decree actions necessary for the preservation and improvement of the Statehood. [This means, role-play the position with others and see what happens.]


This is a Role-playing opportunity. It is a chance to simply have fun being the governor for the week. See how creative you can be. See how you can work with the cities, even spontaneously create some RPing situations. By all means, don't make this "work" for yourself. Just have fun.

PaxLair Alliance - Respectful Comraderie
News Govt - From the Desk of Governor Winfield
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 22 May 2008


The PaxLair [mechanical] Alliance has grown once again to be a great community of friends and companions built out of Respect for one another.  This is absolutely wonderful.  Any time in the Realm, people in the PaxLair Alliance on Chesapeake can use the [Alliance Chat System] to quickly reach people.

Many guilds are in the PaxLair Alliance.  They are currently:

PaxOku Citizens
PaxOku Crafters Society
PaxLair City Felucca
The Citizens of Historic Dragons Watch
Museum of the Virtues
Whispering Rose Radio
Drunken Friars
PaxLair Reporters
North PaxLair Pole
PaxOku City Honor Guard
The Band
Kijustsu Anei Shame Guard
Paladins of Virtue
Army Of The Dragon
Kingdom Of RivenMyst
Legion of Virtues
Kaar Barashalu
Mages of the Infinity
Knights of Paxlair

If you are in one of these guilds, or your want to join one of these guilds to "connect" yourselves to the PaxLair Community with [real time communication] while in the Realm, just come to one of the Tuesday night PaxLair Meetings or visit the PaxLair Forums.

This [mechanical] alliance list does NOT mean we are not allied with other guilds within the Realm, such as United Tamers of Britannia.  We work around the alliance connection issues and take ourselves one step above [god-given mechanics] by staying in very close contact through "other means" with our total list of friends and allies.

A true alliance is a group of people with similar goals and intentions.  We support each other.  We of PaxLair very much appreciate the friends we've made throughout the years and into the future.

Thank you my friends.  Dragonspeed on your quests within the Realm.  See you in the Realm.

Winfield, Governor of PaxLair Statehood

PaxLair Still Very Active!!
News 2008 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 22 May 2008

May 22, 2008 - PaxLair Statehood

The last article published on the was the slide show about the 10th Anniversary of PaxLair.  Since then, PaxLair Statehood and its cities of Dragons Watch, PaxLair City, and PaxOku have indeed been very active!  The record of activity has been taking place in a few places.  The Statehood recommends you wander to:

There is a LOT going on that you can read about in the above locations.  This PaxLair Site will be updated with information in concert with a project called UO Community Wiki.  UOCWiki is being designed to service multiple shards and many player-guilds and communities for encyclopedia style recording of history and information.  See the UOCWiki Forum for more information. 

Also rest assured that nearly any activity in PaxLair is being recorded through journals and "screen shots".  Scholars and historians have plenty of material to record in the future about PaxLair and its cities.

PaxLair 10th Anniversary Pictorial
News 2008 - General
Written by Neo Of Lothlore   
Saturday, 19 January 2008

The PaxLair 10th Anniversary Pictorial is here!  Celebrating 10 years of everything PaxLair, this slideshow encompasses 160 images from PaxLair's past.


View the Pictorial Here! 


A Humble Invitation from the Governor
News Govt - From the Desk of Governor Winfield
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Tuesday, 15 January 2008


Hail my friends,

I am honored to humbly announce the 10th Anniversary of PaxLair on Chesapeake.  PaxLair was founded as a player community on January 19, 1998.  Our 10th Anniversary Schedule is published here.

A long time ago in what seems only yesterday for many of us, we saw a great Realm come into existence called Ultima Online.  This Realm immediately captured our fascination even before we could actually met each other "face to face".  When the gods created the world for us, we jumped right in to discover fantastic sights, beasts, dungeons, and treasures beyond belief.

As we walked, rode, and gated throughout the Realm we met each other.  We found each other in dungeons, in shops, and even in boats on the high seas.  We teamed up in guilds and saved up gold for houses we could care for and store our belongings, lest a thief passed by who we quickly attempted to dispatch into the abyss.

Camaraderie and friendship became the "watch-words" as we worked together, and against each other.

People started to master their skills and the people and gods weRe happy.

Then came the early days of the player-towns--a group of houses formed by a guild or group out of the necessity for a common location to meet one's goals or to experience the Realm in a much broader way.

PaxLair was and is one of those early player-towns.  Formed on Chesapeake Shard by The Band guild, it became noted as a crossroads and a hot-spot for many travelers and peoples.  It was January 19, 1998 when the first building and the first brick were laid down in a sleepy meadow west of the Compassion Shrine on what is now called Felucca, Chesapeake.

Various people flocked to this new town called PaxLair in the months to come with numbers estimating at around 300 interested and involved people.  The gods came too and helped PaxLair work with so many people.  It was fascinating to be a part of this interaction...and at times to see the blood spilled in the town streets.  Soon a working government was needed to control the bloodshed and to help organize the people.

I became the first Mayor of PaxLair in mid-1998 and still continue to be involved, now as the Governor of PaxLair.  PaxLair has became a Statehood of several player-cities on Chesapeake.

PaxLair is much more than a place...a group of buildings...a guild of people...a government structure of mayors and their councils.  It is a vision for persistent cooperation and opportunity for people taking their activities in the Realm two or three steps beyond defeating monsters or other people.  It is a community spread across the shard and the Realm (at times) for people to meet, greet, and have fun.

PaxLair has always been a crossroads not just as a place, but as an idea.  Many people come and go through PaxLair; some stay for years on end; others come back to their roots at a future time.

We are 10 years old on January 19, 2008.  We have not been dormant.  We have not collapsed.  For some reason we continue to trudge along trying new things and old things.  We are not about size or numbers.  We are about quality of life in this Realm.

And in this regard, we are continually inspired by all the player-towns in the Realm who accomplish so much.  For together, we are one unified peoples in a Realm always full of intrigue and wonder.

I humbly invite you to come to PaxLair in our cities during our 10th Anniversary.  We have many events planned, but most importantly...we have an opportunity to meet you.

Our 10th Anniversary Schedule is published here.

Dragonspeed to you all,

Winfield, Governor of PaxLair Statehood

PaxLair 10th Anniversary!! (January 16-19, 2008)
News 2008 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Tuesday, 15 January 2008

PAXLAIR STATEHOOD - January 15, 2008

PaxLair 10th Anniversary

Founded on January 19, 1998

Chesapeake Shard, Ultima Online


Four Day Celebration -- January 16-19, 2008

Jan 16 - PaxLair City, Felucca

Jan 17 - Dragons Watch, Felucca

Jan 18 - PaxOku, Tokuno

Jan 19 - PaxLair Official Anniversary Day


See MORE below for the entire agenda!! 

Governor Orders Care and Cure for Mayor Gareth of PaxOku
News 2008 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Tuesday, 08 January 2008


Governor Winfield issued an order at the PaxLair Statehood Meeting on January 8, 2008 enlisting the support of three people to help diagnose and cure Mayor Gareth's illness.  These people were CaT, Neira, and Elaina.  He had this to say:

There's been some things happening in PaxOku lately. We all heard about Mayor Gareth being ill and I did see him briefly the next day. Gareth was pretty incoherent and his Supreme Chancellor Mula would not let me stay long. I am concerned for Mayor Gareth's health. He apparently cast the Fountain of Youth spell that backfired and now he is aging rapidly. He gave broad law-making powers to Supreme Chancellor Mula for PaxOku. And that is Mayor Gareth's right to do so as long PaxOku Laws do not conflict with PaxLair Statehood laws.


Gareth is a Mayor of our Statehood for one of our cities. He has sworn an oath to me and thus we are bonded together. I am accountable for his well-being and his abilities to be PaxOku's mayor.

So, I talked to various people last night and have a plan.  I'd like CaT to be a guardian to care for Mayor Gareth's well-being. And at her disposal is a balanced team of two people.  Neira is a healer and also a necromancer. She can mend souls. Elaina is a cleric who has wisdom beyond ages of time.

Neira, the healer, has deep reflections in magic of life and nature. She can use both to heal body and soul. Elaina, the cleric, is as old as the Realm where she has prayed, meditated, and laid hands on others to help them understand their paths of ill. Neira and Elaina are balanced, like our Statehood is. We have Harmony and Balance to help Gareth. Neira, as a necromancer, follows the darker arts, while Elaina is a paladin following the paths of Virtues.

Therefore, my order as Governor of our Statehood is CaT will find Gareth and bring him to a place of her choosing to allow Neira and Elaina to diagnose him and find out how to cure him. I know there are ancient arts that can reverse the effects of an ill-cast Fountain of Youth spell, but I do not recall the details. Those details will need to be found once more.

So these three have my wishes to find him, protect him, and cure him.

Based on some questions from the audience, Governor Winfield also said if Mula refused or did not cooperate in helping Mayor Gareth into CaT's care, then Mula could be taken into custody and brought before Chief Justice Kathleen.  In other words, Governor Winfield has ordered Mula to cooperate.  He went on to say that CaT has PaxLair Statehood resources at her disposal to aid her in finding, retrieving, and caring for Gareth.

Happy Holidays!!
News 2007 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 22 December 2007

PAXLAIR STATEHOOD - December 22, 2007

We wish everyone a safe and wonderful 2007 Holiday Season.

Tree Lighting Ceremony in PaxOku

Weekly PaxLair meetings will start again on January 1, 2008.  Keep an eye on the UO Forums Calendar and the UO Stratics Calendar.

We plan to catch up on publishing 2007 news soon. The PaxLair Forums, though, has a great deal of information and discussion.  Go there for the latest and greatest.

A report from Magincia and Trinsic - preparation for battle
News 2007 - General
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 20 October 2007


Governor Winfield met with Mayor Garrett of Magincia last night in Magincia.  Mayor NANOC and Deputy Mayor Phoenix also arrived from Dragons Watch, along with several others getting situated at Mayor Garrett's house.

Below is a 10-point report from Governor Winfield.  Observations and recommendations are made for all those planning for defense of Magincia.  Discussion about these observations and other planning (across Chesapeake Shard) is on UO Stratics Chesapeake Forum thread here.

Next PaxLair Weekly Meeting, Oct 23 (RivenMyst Museum)
News 2007 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 20 October 2007

PAXLAIR STATEHOOD - October 20, 2007

Governor Winfield has announced the next weekly PaxLair Meeting on Tuesday, October 23, 2007 to be held at the RivenMyst Anniversary Museum just north of Minoc, Trammel on Chesapeake (8:30 PM ET gather, meeting starts promptly at 9 PM ET).

The Theme of the meeting is "From the Beginning", denoting periods of Anniversaries of our Realm from the days it was created long, long ago.

The after meeting activities (10 PM ET) will likely involve major discussions about the rumored Invasion of Magincia, which could lead to total devastation of that city if not defended.


The Meeting Hall (3rd Floor)
RivenMyst Anniversary Museum, north of Minoc, Trammel, Chesapeake


North of Minoc, Trammel on the Western Shoreline 


Enter the Meeting Hall by the Teleporter between the "buildings" 


PaxLair Begins Journey to Europa
News 2007 - General
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Monday, 15 October 2007

EUROPA - October 14, 2007

People from PaxLair and Chesapeake started their journey to Europa today meeting in New Haven, Vesper, and Yew.  The purpose of the week-long visit is to meet new people and learn the ways of others, both evil and good.

They plan to visit the 9th Anniversary festivities of the Guardsmen Militia and base their visit operations out of the Vesper Town Hall Southwest of the Ironwood Inn, and South of the Minoc Moongate.  The Town Hall has a rune book on the steps for many interesting locations on Europa.  New Haven is also a staging point for training and assembly.

Governor Winfield also plans to hold the weekly PaxLair Statehood meeting at the Vesper Town Hall (Europa).  The gathering time is 8:30 PM ET on Tuesday, October 16, 2007 (1:30 AM UK Time, Wednesday).

Governor Winfield formed a guild Pax_ on Europa for PaxLair citizens and friends. By the end of the evening, several people joined the guild to include Governor Winfield, Mayor NANOC of Dragons Watch, Deputy Mayor Phoenix of Dragons Watch, Minister of Quests Eric the Red, Museum Curator Katherine, Guild Leader Nexus of United Tamers of Britannia Chesapeake Chapter, Lord of Darkness The Shadow, Mayor Ga'kuct of PaxLair City, Virtue Knight Lissa Eldi, Citizen Thraxis Mithrax, Minister of Defense Crypt Keeper, and Chief Justice Kathleen.  Several of these people are Emissaries of the Pax_ guild and may add more people to the guild.  (More information about forming this guild and meeting with various people and guilds on Europa is on this discussion thread.)

The group from Chesapeake met with Lord Kain Twothumb [-V-] (Governor of Vesper), Tae'nu Ver [-V-] (Militia Partisan), and Thaur Macil [-V-] (Militia Partisan) of Vesper.

Vesper Town Hall SW of Ironwood Inn (Vesper, Trammel)


Runebook on the Steps of the Vesper Town Hall


Later, Governor Winfield met with Waywatcher Corporal Floria Tenne and Baron Caden D'Gar of the Guardsmen Militia near Yew (Trammel).

Guardsmen Militia Training SE of Yew (Trammel) 

Read more below for many more details and the 9th Anniversary schedule. 

Whispering Rose Radio Broadcasting Live UO Town Hall - Orange CA - Oct 13, 2007
News 2007 - General
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 13 October 2007


[OOC] Whispering Rose Radio ( ) will be broadcasting live from the UO Town Hall meeting at Dave & Busters (20 City Blvd, West Orange, CA 92866) at 6-9 PM ET (3-6 PM Pacific Time) Tune in here!!

Listen to DJ Sandman and Crystal Rose (Whispering Rose Radio owners) along with DJ Sir James III tomorrow at the Town Hall meeting.  Norman Bates and DJ Moon will also be there to greet everyone!  Listen to all the interviews and speakers at the Town Hall Meeting.  This is an event you WANT to listen to.

If you plan to attend the Town Hall, great! (all town halls listed here).  This looks like the last scheduled town hall, so we really need to listen in or attend if we can!

Next PaxLair Weekly Meeting, Oct 9 (Evil in Ilshenar)
News 2007 - PaxLair Statehood
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Monday, 08 October 2007

PAXLAIR STATEHOOD - October 8, 2007

Governor Winfield has announced the next weekly PaxLair Meeting to be held in Ilshenar on Chesapeake (8:30 PM ET gather, meeting starts promptly at 9 PM ET)


He asks people to see the calendar entry for complete details, and to notice the Theme of the meeting is a "Call for Evil".  The entry also has a connection to a Theme Setter on the UOForums Dry Stein [RPing Forum].


Location is "Deuce's Vinculum Inn" NW of Honor Shrine/Gate in Ilshenar, Chesapeake

HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY to UO!! Fireworks in Luna Video
News 2007 - General
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Tuesday, 25 September 2007

LUNA, MALAS, CHESAPEAKE - September 25, 2007

Many people arrived in Luna to see the spectacular fireworks display on the 10th Anniversary of the Realm (Ultima Online).  People ducked for cover as fireworks shot over their heads with deafening explosions.  Others stood in awe in the middle of the field looking up to the skies.  Everyone walked away with huge smiles on their black-sooted faces.

See the event as seen by observers from the PaxLair Statehood.

Click here to run the Flash Video of Luna Fireworks on September 25, 2007.

(slow connections may need to restart the flash player -- 15 MB streaming download -- audio quality is reduced to produce clearer video -- video may not be re-hosted without PaxLair.Com permission).


SEPTEMBER 25, 2007

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