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2006 News
Pub Ring Each Week, starting with Soggy Barnacle, Port Baldmor Print
PaxLair Community
Written by Kerrs Holley_DAGR   
Sunday, 17 September 2006

PORT BALDMOR, TRAMMEL - September 17, 2006

Pub Ring, starting this monday at 8 pm est. Come one come all and show support for your local town community tavern. The first tavern night shall be hosted at the Soggy Barnicle on Port Baldmor. For more information on pub rings please visit the paxlair forums government section. All questions. comments, and ideas for the pub rings can also be posted there. Hope everyone can make it to enjoy free drinks and entertainment.

    Then, next week we shall be visiting the renown town of Dragons Watch and their tavern for some drinks, so please make sure to mark your calendars.

Regatta Race Weds, Sep 20th, Trinsic Docks, Trammel Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Kerrs Holley_DAGR   
Sunday, 17 September 2006

PORT BALDMOR, TRAMMEL - September 17, 2006

Regatta race this Wedsnday night (Sep 20) at 8 pm est. Come join the race and a chance to win prizes. The race will begin on Trinsic's dock in trammel. There are no entrance fees and the more racers the merrier. The prizes are as follow; 1st place recieves 50,000gp, 2nd place recieves 25,000gp, 3rd place 10,000gp. There shall be referees posted in strategic points along the race both on land and in the water to insure there is no cheating. Rules to follow:

1) Racers may not leave the boat during the race for any reason at all.
2) Racers may not attack other contestants or  bring harm upon them in any way.
3) Racers may not have non-race participants affect the race in any way. 
4) Multi-member boat crews: if there are multi crew ship, a captain must be choosen.
5) The captain is awarded all prize money and represents his/her crew.
6) No crew members may leave the boat once race has begun, any crew member that leaves the race for any reason risks his whole team being dissqualified.
7) Racers may not cast walls, throw nets, or anything to hinder the opponent's ships progress.
8) All racers must complete the entire race from start to finish, any short cuts or steering away from the course shall result in dissqualification.
Please show up to the race 15 minutes prior to the race for any additional rules or information, ships must remain dry docked and in your bag until Event Manager gives the GO! Good sportsmanship and honesty are expected.


Royal Sosarian Navy lands in Port Baldmor - Pirates are Concerned Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 20 September 2006

PORT BALDMOR, TRAMMEL - September 20, 2006

Contributed by BudsShadow (Port Baldmor)

Arrr Mateys it seems the royal navy has landed at the shores of Port Baldmor looking for some man named Ricardo or so they say.  Three of them came ashore led by Nevyn D'Wyooren and his two mates Soul Reaver and Rolan Martin.  They searched the island for most of the day looking for something.  They even stopped by the bar to ask some questions but came up emty handed.  They were watched to make sure they weren't looking for things better left alone on our island but they left without trouble, thou they did leave a detachment of ships near our shores to keep watch on us.

We'll watch the Royal Sosarian guard and see what their really up to.  We pirates dont like royal navy ships off our shores, might be time for a burning....

United Sosarian Navy battles Red Dagger Pirates in Bloody Combat Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 04 October 2006


The United Sosarian Navy [USN] and Red Dagger Pirates [DAGR] battled in Buccaneers Den as the USN attempted to apprehend Commodore Kerrs Holley of DAGR.  The Pirates held the island against the USN in one of the bloodiest battles to hit the island in years.

The USN sought out Commodore Holley at the command of the Sheriff of Trinsic.  After the PaxLair meeting in Dragons Watch [October 2, 2007], the USN delivered a warrant from the High Sheriff of Trinsic for the apprehension of Commodore Holley.  The warrant was served at the Blue Light Tavern in PaxOku, Tokuno.

PaxLair-wide Faire Now Scheduled for October 21, 2006 Print
PaxLair Community
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 11 October 2006

The PaxLair-wide Faire involving all the cities of PaxLair has been rescheduled to Saturday, October 21, 2006.  This report came from the PaxLair meeting on October 10th.

Citizens across all the cities of PaxLair are working together to bring one of the best events to the Shard.  Lady Sounder, the Chancellor of Activities in PaxOku is organizing the Faire working closely with Kendric (nominated to be Deputy Viceroy of PaxOku) and all the Viceroys and Citizens.

The Faire is planned to run from 6 PM ET to midnight and take people to all the PaxLair Cities and into other places in the Realm.  Regatta races, tours, contests, crafting, and guild booths are a few of the planned events.  Many more are in the works.

People interested in hosting an event should quickly reach Lady Sounder.

Sound Defeat of USN Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Sunday, 15 October 2006

PORT BALDMOR, TRAMMEL - October 15, 2006

Once again Port Baldmor was invaded by a regiment of USN soldiers.  TheRoyal Navy even employed the use of a large White Lizard, this did make amost impressive show.  In a quick thinking act of heroism a stealthy figure (Greyylene) released arrows straight to the heart of the tamer and felled him.  Once the handler was quite dead the Lizard was left to its own vices.  Picked off as birds in a field the Navy did yet again become bait for the fishermen Pirates.

The battle waged fiercely for quite some time on land before the navy dogs were driven back to their ship.  Bodies of many USN commandos littered our coast along with a large white lizard and a nightmare.  Several of our own brave contingents did meet the sands of our shores.  The revenge exacted upon their fallen bodies was fierce and bloody.

Once the battle was realized the Navy dogs did resort to a rather cowardly defense of firing at DAGR forces aboard their vessel.  When t'was realized they would not come ashore brave pirates (Flint and Kerrs Holly) did board them slaughtering all.  They were taught again that there is no place to hide and that Pirates are relentless warriors who do not take kindly to

Navy Skirmishes Squelched Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Budswoman (DAGR)   
Thursday, 26 October 2006

PAXOKU, TOKUNO - October 25, 2006

Yet again the USN attempted to better the DAGR Pirates.  They were discovered lurking about the meeting hall waiting for  Kerrs to complete his report, but the Pirate detail with the  Commodore would not allow his capture by the Navy dogs.

A grand chase ensued and small battles raged freckled the landscape from the Ancient Lands of Tokuno all the way to Buccaneers Den.  T'was easy to follow the path of bloodshed by following the bodies that were strewn everywhere.

Our brave warriors fought and did win the day,but not without some losses.  We did quickly answer their threat and gave the Cowardly Dogs an education in Pirate etiquette.   We shant stand idly by whileour leader is threatened or captured.  Our loyalties run deep and blades true.

Grim Reapers Assail PaxOku! Print
Written by Grim Journalist   
Saturday, 28 October 2006

PAXOKU, TOKUNO - October 28th, 2006

The Grim Reapers attack at the BLT

Citizens of PaxOku and allied guilds battled a steady stream of evil Grim Reapers last night, when the graveyards of Britannia became overran with undead.  The Grim Reapers - caretakers of many precious cursed artifacts - where speedily dispatched by the army assembled by Lady Sounder and Lord Gareth, and their spoils were divided amongst the combatants.

What was largely sought were the Grim Reapers' scythes, which rumour holds when taken, the Reapers become powerless.  Alas not a single scythe was recovered that evening, and the Grim Reapers continued to plague the resting grounds of thousands of coffins.

The Gatekeeper, the legendary questmaster, was also spotted numerous times by the fighters.  When questioned his only response was "DIE. DIE. DIE".  And many died.  But many survived, and many others collected Twighlight Lanterns from the bodies of red skeletons at the graveyards. 

In other news around the land, pumpkins have become ripe to pick on the vines of many pumpkin patches.  Jack O' Lanterns are also appearing in the fields, the sources of their light - unknown.  Reports even suggest ebony pumpkins have been growing, a possible hint of greater evils lurking in the lands?

The Castle Encounter... and Rise to Evil Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Kerrs Holley_DAGR   
Sunday, 29 October 2006

Written by Kerrs Holley [DAGR]

This is a "player-fiction" article. Original was posted on the PaxLair Forums here.

Another chapter has been published!!

From Chapter 3:

The streets laid empty in Britain tonight as the frosty wind blew by. Fall was soon turning into winter and time was running out for one ambitious man. The rain didn't make the scene around the city any more comfortable. The few guards that patrolled the streets stood close to the door ways for warmtH. Not much travel was occurring in the fair city this late in the evening. Even the local tavern drunks shied away from trouble tonight, fearing getting tossed onto the cold wet streets. All was calm... or so the guards below the roofs of Britain thought.

DAGR Pirates Face a New Threat Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Budswoman_Dagr   
Sunday, 29 October 2006

BUCCANEERS DEN, TRAMMEL - October 29, 2006 

A new hired bow for the USN announced her presence with authority last eve against a small renegade Pirate force.   USN's Lily proved to be a force to be reckoned.  The face off began late in Buccaneers Den when Pirate and Navy met at the Bathhouse.

The surprise to the Pirates left us open and quite unprepared for the encounter.  Twice we met and the battles raged for quite some time, our crew did hold ground valiantly but in the end superior fire power won the day.

Flint, Bullseye and Greyylene began the night enjoying a mug of ale before patrolling the area for Navy. Not expecting anyone they were ready for the battle that had come before.  Flint and Bullseye tried to hold the Navy at bay but fell first.  Greyylene was last to fall and did try to take on Lily and Nevyn alone, but in the end she too was no match.  This new threat is not taken lightly and the lesson hard learned will be taken to heart.

We salute the USN for a battle well fought, enjoy the victory while tis thine.

Vengeance Exacted Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Budswoman_Dagr   
Monday, 30 October 2006

REMOTE BATTLEFIELDS - October 30, 2006

Forces from both DAGR and USN clashed head long in a remote and hidden battlefield to settle score and exact revenge.  In an impressive display of order and team work the DAGR Pirates announced their presence with authority.  A moment of dysfunction caused the Pirates to stumble, but quickly regained footing to triumph over the Navy dogs.

Rallying behind Kerrs the Pirates stood ground and forced the Navy into corners and pockets where their only escape was death.  Surrounded by DAGR forces and running like rabbits the final USN fiend, Rigor Mortis, was felled as he passed by the lethal dart of Dorthy.   The battle was heated and raged for some time, but in the end the DAGR Pirates reigned victorious...

Singing Blades Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Greyylene   
Tuesday, 07 November 2006

The island home of DAGR Pirates yet again became a proving ground for Pirate spunk and dogged determination.   A quiet party of stealthy Navy dogs appeared seeking to claim Pirate heads for bounty and bragging.  They soon revealed Greyylene who had been standing guard watching their movements with great interest.

The word was sent that the island needed defending and other Pirates soon came.  Diplomacy tactics soon gave way to heated sparring.  Taken by surprise and completely off guard the Navy dogs soon fell victim to the raging whirlwind we call Flint.

His blade singing the fight song spurring him into a frenzy of action and bloodshed he rained chaos on all who were assembled on our island.  His presence organized our troops and the pursuit to rid the sand of Navy footprints was set into action.

The battle was hard fought and victory well earned.   The Navy was driven back to the sea with the promise of another battle soon to come.

Navy Dog Turns Rogue Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Greyylene   
Wednesday, 15 November 2006

Scurvy pirates we may be, but tell me if you can why would the proper Navy dog wish to jump ship and join the ranks of lowly pirates? Could the motivation be the hordes of bar maids that follow the Pirate clan, perhaps the booty from ship wrecks and general mayhem?

The real reason may very well be the USN Navy Dogs found out what a trickster this Slevin character is and had him walk the plank! One too many nights of public drunkenness and disorderly conduct and Slevin earned the title of "bilge rat".   After a few too many 'claps of thunder' and mistaking a Navy officer for a common rabble rouser most assuredly did not earn him a spot in the good graces of Navy commodore.  Barely awake and able to walk, bleary eyed and still hung over the rogue was tried and quickly dispatched in typical Navy justice.

Tossing a coin to determine if t'was the plank or a keelhaul Slevin's fate was decided.    Regardless of low tide the USN officers set the plank and heaved Slevin out over the water.  Assuredly the scallywag would be quickly dispatched and the local tavern would quickly be invaded by Navy for purposes of cracking Jenny's tea cup, but instead they turned a Cowardly Navy Dog into a hero Pirate.   Upon seeing the Navy in port DAGR pirates sent a bark about to investigate the happenings.  Seeing the Jolly Rodger their fun was quite ended
and they did leave in haste and without a jaunt into town.

Feeling generous or cocky the Pirate clan hauled Slevin to the poop deck for further interrogation and a hearty laugh at the expense of the Navy.  In our battles with the Cowardly Dogs will Slevin prove to be an asset or something else to kill?

Blood Runs Deep in the Streets of Haven Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Greyylene   
Monday, 20 November 2006

HAVEN, TRAMMEL - November 19, 2006 - by Greyylene (images by Oni and Budsshadow) 

Quiet and unseen the DAGR Pirates stalked the town seeking out an old foe.  Antsy, testy and chomping at the bit to shed Navy blood they held ground.   Picking the Navy spy it became clear the battle was at hand.  The call given to hold together and wait for the li'l fishies to school together, hidden Pirates placed through the town watched and waited for the perfect moment to strike.

One by one the Navy Dogs entered cautious yet arrogantly confident in the ability to drive the DAGR Pirates into the sea.A slight rustling breeze tossed leaves across the empty street as the USN forces gathered feeling they had owned the day.   In an electric display of explosive force Pirates erupted from every direction scattering the Navy all around the town.  First down was the Navy spy followed by several others of his crew.   DAGR and USN forces clashed violently in the once quiet town of Haven.  Onlookers stood in awe as arrows flew, blades crashed and blood flowed like a river
through town.

Stalled by a sight not common on battle fields, a rogue chicken ran between the feet and hooves of the combatants.   *Cor Por* *Kal Vas Flam* erupted from the chicken striking down a Navy Dog dead in their tracks.  The insanity of Pirates has no end. The spell broke by poison arrows and blades singing through the air as another Navy Dog left bones in the streets.  Rastmoor, Tel Ket and Drakken struck with precision as arrows from Buds Shadow, and Greyylene rocked more USN troops.

The day ebbed and the battle roared.  Again and again the warriors surged through the streets. By sunset the wounded and dying limped to their respective corners to regroup. With a last ditch effort to win the day the Navy Dogs sent a lone warrior through the Pirates' camp in a vain attempt to scatter and fluster the DAGR crew.   The attempt ended badly and the body of yet another dog lay at the feet of the victors.

PaxLair Activities Center - a Most Unique Establishment! Print
PaxLair Community
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 22 November 2006

PAXOKU, TOKUNO - November 22, 2006

PaxLair continued to experiment with and establish some of the most unique houses in the Realm.  In this case, Lady Sounder, the Minister of Activities for PaxLair, created one of the most interesting and functional houses ever seen.

The "PaxLair Activities Center" was designed as "A place where people can come in the Realm to find out what activities are going on in PaxLair.  It is like a Calendar, but totally in the Realm instead of in the Ether," Lady Sounder explained in a recent interview.

The PaxLair Activities Center is located on Homare-jima, Tokuno at coordinates: 94-23N 67-08W (368.550)

"There are 7 daily books for each day's activities.  These are updated whenever there is a change in the weekly activities.  These are for recurring and non-recurring events, so if there is a special event on Wednesday coming up, then the Wednesday book will show that special event."

A brief tour revealed the extremely well-thought-out functionality of using many house capabilities to offer a daily hub of activities and information.  In the building, besides the 7 books for each day's events, there was a messageboard cleaned each day and updated with the current day's activities.  This allowed people to add information, ask questions, and even comment afterwards about that day's events.  

First Snowfall in PaxOku Print
Written by Neo Of Lothlore   
Friday, 24 November 2006

PAXOKU, TOKUNO - the Blue Light Tavern was dusted with a thin layer of snowfall in the morning hours of November 24th.  The snowfall was enough for someone to build a few snowmen, named "Pax", and the morning's cold temperatures caused parts of the BLT Fountain to freeze.

Snowfall at the Blue Light Tavern in PaxOku


Cannons and Sabbatoge Race! Print
Port Baldmor
Written by a navigational buoy   
Sunday, 26 November 2006

The race starts at Port Baldmor and travels THROUGH the city of Serpents Hold and ends at the docks of Buccaneers Den. Please show up to the race at 7:30 PM EST on Sunday for further instructions on the race. This race will involve a checkpoint which all racers must stop at and retreive an item. The checkpoint is highlighted in the yellow circle at Serpents Hold Docks. There are no entrance fees and the more racers the merrier. The prizes are as follow; 1st place recieves 50,000gp, 2nd place recieves 25,000gp, 3rd place 10,000gp. There shall be referees posted in strategic points along the race both on land and in the water to insure there is no cheating.

Rules to follow:

1) Racers may not leave the boat during the race for any reason at all.
2) Racers may not attack other contestants or bring harm upon them in any way.
3) Racers may not have non-race participants affect the race in any way.
4) Multi-member boat crews: if there are multi crew ship, a captain must be choosen.
5) The captain is awarded all prize money and represents his/her crew.
6) No crew members may leave the boat once race has begun, any crew member that leaves the race for any reason risks his whole team being dissqualified.
7) Racers may not cast walls, throw nets, or anything to hinder the opponent's ships progress.

Please show up to the race 15 minutes prior to the race for any additional rules or information, ships must remain dry docked and in your bag until Event Manager gives the GO! Good sportsmanship and honesty are expected. There will also be referees posted along the race route to insure no one tries to cheat. If somone fails to pass by a referee checkpoint we will asume you have cheated and not stayed on route. Gates will be provided to Port Baldmor at Britian Bank at 7:30 pm est.

Map of the Course


PaxOku's Highlight Establishment Closing Its Doors Print
Written by PaxOku Reporter   
Tuesday, 28 November 2006

Strange Statues at the BLT

PAXOKU, TOKUNO - The Blue Light Tavern is closing its doors for an undetermined amount of time, according to proprietor Gareth Lightenburg.

Lord Lightenburg was quoted as saying "The Blue Light Tavern is officaly shut down. It will not re-open its doors for awhile."  What prompted the establishment to close its doors is unknown, but some speculate on a shortage of liquor in the lands of Tokuno, or on the high costs of lumber used in redesigning buildings.  One odd occurance sees the BLT (private home) with statues of members of the infamous Feluccan guild, CHAMPS, lingering amongst the Blue Lights on its front steps.  The question posed is:  has the McManus feifdom invaded PaxOku as it did in PaxLair Felucca so many years ago?

Until further notice, it is unknown if weekly PaxOku Thursday Events (BLT events) will continue, but a notice on that should be posted as soon as information becomes available.


An Unlikely Alliance Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Greyylene   
Tuesday, 28 November 2006

(written by Greyylene)

When is a war not a war?  The war of the Navy and Pirates would appear to have come to an abrupt and unceremonial end.  There was no fan fair, no celebration of the victors not even a good toast at the local pub.  A quiet meeting with papers drawn ending a long battle for the honor of the Pirate leader.  What of the need now to spill an enemy's blood?  Now t'would seem that the blood fever will be satisfied in fields of sparring rather than battle.

In the opinion of one Pirate, this alliance is a ruse to slaughter us as friends and not enemies.  Ale poured forth in great abundance and general revelry and rejoicing commenced with little encouragement, to a Pirate very little effort is required for food and drink.   No sooner had the alliance been agreed than did the bloodshed begin.  The party quite ended as arrows and blades crashed atop the unsuspecting DAGR's.    USN took and did quite overwhelm the DAGR's and they did take the day.  Will the treachery never end?

Villainous Fiends! Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Greyylene   
Saturday, 09 December 2006

December 9, 2006 - written by Greyylene

A celebration among "Allies" turns deadly when an unprovoked attack slaughters attending DAGR dignitaries to the grand opening of USN's new town.   Insults and injuries were heaped upon Budswoman who was attending the festivities as a token of good will to the newly formed alliance.  Dressed in Pirate finery Buds was caught unprepared to defend against an attack from someone claiming to be a 'friend'.

This attack lays a dark omen upon the fiendish cowardly dogs of the USN.  They have laid precedence to turn their quiet village into a town of bloodshed and mayhem.   Guardian's Gate will be no place of refuge or any degree of protection from the Navy.  They will take the name of Swampland Slumlords and forever be known for their sedition.

Pirates have a long disdain for the king's guards and his navy, tonight has yet again proven the king and his militant groups have no honor.   The unprecedented display of disloyalty and vulgar disregard for the reputation of the kingdom an open "pet tournament" gave platform for assassination.

East Meadow, PaxLair City Population Boom! Print
PaxLair City
Written by Elijah Cross   
Friday, 15 December 2006

EAST MEADOW, PAXLAIR CITY - December 15, 2006

The great city of PaxLair, Felucca has recently experienced a population boom! The result of this growth spurt is clearly evident should you be walking through the East Meadow of PaxLair. Apparently, one somewhat confused chap wandering about left an interesting message on my keep bulletin board. The messages follow: (article continues below messages)

Serpents, Fishies and Pearls! Oh My! Print
Port Baldmor
Written by greyylene   
Friday, 15 December 2006

Pirates are known for their ability to navigate the open ocean with great skill and ease. There are some of these salty dogs art much better than others in finding bounty on the high seas.

A new member of the DAGR clan has recently earned her name.  The captain of the 'Elena Sare' one Erin de'Winter tells harrowing tales of adventure and danger.  In the ever vigilant search for "honest Pirate" payments, Erin and her crew set sail in search of fame and fortune.  The fortune comes easily enough; the fame however is a bit more fickle.

The sun rose blazing red over the emerald sea, the tide easy and calm.  The 'Elena Sare' pressed hard into familiar waters seeking a King's ransom from a sunken galleon.  Close to the quarry the deep waters gave an ominous still to the crew and captain.  Pulling fish after fish in vain hopes of a heavy chest the sailors continued the quest.  A harsh tug and a splash soon gave way to a vicious deep sea serpent hell bent on the destruction and utter demise of ship and crew.  Clashes of blades, spells and the hideous screams of a dying creature showed the victorious crew the exact location of the treasure they sought.  Hidden deep within the scales of the beast was a lovely jewel of great value.  Excited and eager to bring home the bounty from the bottoms of the sea the crew hefted a mighty chest full of the king's lost booty.  One more toss of a line and revealed was a lovely white orb.  Oh my this was a profitable day to be sure! 

Darkmoor Township Tree Lighting Celebration Print
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 16 December 2006


Several people from PaxLair made the long voyage to Sonoma on Saturday night, December 16, 2006 to see the Tree Lighting and Gift Giving Celebration in Darkmoor Township on Sonoma.  The event consisted of the Tree Lighting, Santa Claus at the Elves Workshop, and drinks at their famous Tavern.

Several PaxLair people and friends arrived and several others have visited Darkmoor Township.  In total they were:   Winfield, Tatania, Exodus Lyonne, Nanoc, Phoenix, Ga'kuct, Cross MacLeod, Elijah Cross, Mineral Mindy, Eric the Red, Winmere, Budswoman, and Katherine.

Tatania Karthina also prepared packages of gifts for Santa.  In all, three packages were given to Santa: Tatania gave one for PaxOku.  Nanoc and Phoenix gave one for Dragons Watch.  Winfield gave one for the overall PaxLair.

Ga'kuct also arrived and was the only orc at the celebration.  He hid under a piano in the pub, attempted to dismantle it, and was almost thrown out by the tavern keeper.

PaxLair people are visiting Darkmoor Township somewhat regularly to relax, meet people, and see another town in operation.  

Possessed Addiction Print
Port Baldmor
Written by Greyylene   
Monday, 18 December 2006

Simple nondescript harmless looking dark rocks which hold a terrible power that when unleashed turns even the most peaceful creatures violent. Noble creatures big and small become vicious and unmanageable when infected with black rock.  What is worse yet is that the infection comes from the mages that encounter these beasts.   It is a simple spell but with dire consequences.

To simply utter the magic incantation will cause a chain reaction within the rock exploding with violence.  After the thick blue smoke subsides the effects begin turning any somewhat sane mage into a raving maniac with the ability to infect those around them.  They have claimed to hear voices telling them to do horrible things, and given the black rock disease to pass to others.

One mage when interviewed was heard to say, "Oh Shut Up! Get out of my head!"

Is there any more to be said to this?  These black rock elementals and the other fiendish minions from the Pit of Hell should never have been summoned to this realm.   Now they are here it is the quiet and innocent that must suffer to do their bidding.  Several of the DAGR's are possessed by this fiendish trickery from the depths, it is yet unknown what ill effects yet remain for these who have been overcome by such an illness.   Perhaps an Exorcism will be required to rid them of their vexation.

PaxLair Retreat Meeting Reveals the "Age of Enlightenment" Print
PaxLair Community
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Monday, 18 December 2006

PAXOKU, TOKUNO - December 18, 2006

It was highly rumored that PaxLair would be entering a new Age soon.  That age was announced as the "Age of Enlightenment" and will last for six months.  PaxLair is currently finishing its "Age of Cities"; this Age forms the basic long-term foundations of five player-cities on the Chesapeake shard.  The "Age of Enlightenment," due to start in January 2007, will focus on a very open use of all cities [in very realistic ways, i.e., through in-game immersion enhanced by roleplaying and character interaction].  An Outline for the Age of Enlightenment is Here and available for comment.

PaxLair recently held a Retreat meeting with government leadership, citizens, and friends at the Tea House in PaxOku.  The Mayor opened the meeting by explaining some of the concepts for concluding PaxLair's Age of Cities by January 19, 2007.  Then details and decisions were made regarding the PaxLair community's 9th Anniversary Celebration starting on Sunday, January 14 and ending on the official 9th Anniversary day of January 19th, 2007.  Finally, the Mayor revealed the next Age of PaxLair which is called the "Age of Enlightenment".

Great discussion ensued for an hour and a half, the official duration of the meeting, on a variety of topics.  The meeting officially concluded and then people continued to discuss ideas for another hour or more.  More details of the discussions will be reported when certain minutes are released and announcements are made.  Topics will also be explained at the weekly PaxLair meetings on Tuesday at 9 PM ET.

PaxLair holds Retreat meetings every two months with leadership of all cities and citizens.  The next Retreat meeting is scheduled for the week of February 19, 2007.

 The PaxLair Retreat Meeting was enhanced by the use of PaxVoice (Ventrilo)

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