Old Knight's Tales
at the Crossroads Fortress


Crossroads Fortress
Crossroads Fortress

by Mayor Winfield, May 4, 2000


The following people met with the old Knight at the Crossroads Fortress on May 3, 2000: Altrezor, Benito, Cedrick Dionis, CowMaster, Don Martin, Donovan Argyle, Emmeril, Glanor, Hyrit, Johari, Kyleria Dawn, Ruglug, Seer Sannio, Stormchaser, Winfield,and Zanthor.

We arrived at the Crossroads Fortress after attending a Knighting Ceremony in PaxLair. I told the people at the ceremony that I met the old Knight the day before, and he beaconed to have us come listen to his tales.

After clearing the Fortress and surrounding area of monsters, we looked around for the old Knight. Then we saw him appear on the ground between the north and south towers. We all went down from the rooftop to meet him.


The old Knight
The old Knight

"Hail Knights and people of this land," the old Knight said to us.

Kyleria Dawn smiled and curtsied gracefully. She and others hailed to the old Knight and some bowed. His eyes opened wider at the number of people around him and said, "Oh, I did not know there were so many Knights left in the realm. Well, please have a listen to the tales I will tell you.

"These tales are of an olden day, a day long ago. A day when all Knights of all Knighthoods were unified within this Fortress, a Fortress with much history that is untold and much more to gain as time continues on. I only know of one era of this old battle-worn Fortress. There have undoubtedly been many.

"Oh, let me explain why I tell you of this era. I do this because I am the last of these Knights and the Knighthoods who came together here. All was before your time. Only the oldest of elves and some ancient evil creatures may know of this era."


The old Knight explains why he tells his tales

An Old Era, the Fortress, and the Knights of Shiragor

The old Knight turned and looked up at the fortress walls.

"Within these three towers, Knights met to plan their strategies, to train, form alliances, and protect these crossroads for travelers. Many Knighthoods came together, as I said, such as Knights of Korbardain, Milantosh, and Drucil. I was a Knight of Korbardain, a town near Vesper now faded in memory."

He looked a little confused at this point and then asked us to journey with him inside the Fortress. We went to the second floor between the three towers.

"The Knights of the Knighthoods of the Realm joined together in an alliance in faith and purpose. The alliance made them all the "Knights of Shiragor". Shiragor was our religion, our faith. Shiragor was the place we believed we would go to when we died a noble death. Our purpose was simple: to protect the people of this land from criminals and the evil that lurks in hearts of many.

"I must tell you of three great Knights, the most fearless, the most loved, and the most humorous of all the Knights of Shiragor."

He turned and pointed to three massive swords displayed on the wall between two banners.


The Knight's Swords
The Knight's Swords

"These swords here were the swords of these three Knights. Sir Chadsturn, the Fierce, Madam Lunthia, the Strategist, and Sir Tarquelle, the Jolly."

Sir Chadsturn, the Fierce, Knight of Milantosh

He touched the sword of Sir Chadsturn.

"Sir Chadsturn was the fiercest and most courageous of all the Knights. His overpowering stance and hardened muscles gave the Knights their strength as he stood at the front of the battle lines. His shouts to the other Knights could be heard over the clanking of metal upon metal and over the death moans of the enemy."

He looked at us, but seemed to see right through us, as if we were not there for a moment.

"Sir Chadsturn oversaw the training of combat in the Squires' Training Room in the southeast tower. He constantly scolded the young Squires when they injured themselves or made a bad mistake. He turned young men and women into stalwart Knights. All Squires cursed him beneath their breath. However, after their Knighthood and upon their first battlefield, they quickly realized how much they owed their survival and victory to Sir Chadsturn and his teachings. After their first battle, they all honored Sir Chadsturn and his ways."

He turned back toward the swords and touched Sir Chadsturn's sword again.

"May Sir Chadsturn, Knight of Milantosh and Shiragor, rest peacefully in Shiragor."

He turned to us then and asked us to proceed to the Knight's meeting room on the first floor of the northeast tower.


Madam Lunthia, the Strategist, Knight of Drucil

In the Knight's Meeting Room
In the Knight's Meeting Room

"Here in this room, the elder Knights of all the Knighthoods of Shiragor met. It was also here that Madam Lunthia, the Strategist and Knight of Drucil, made battle plans for defense, offense, and major campaigns.

"Her tactics and strategies became renowned throughout the Realm and feared by the most cunning of cutthroats, brigands, and evil creatures."

He looked around the room.

"Here also, she taught the Squires of tactics in battle. Of the need for intelligence gathering operations. Of the need for clear vision of the battlefield and the battle to come. She was loved by many due to her compassion. She tended to the weak as she was also a healer. She did not fight the battles in the front lines, but directed attacks and modified strategies from the base camp set up during campaigns."

His eyes seemed to close for a moment in thought.

"May Madam Lunthia, Knight of Drucil and Shiragor, rest peacefully in Shiragor."

Then he asked us to go the roof of the fortress to hear about the last Knight.


Sir Tarquelle, the Jolly, Knight of Korbardain

The old Knight looked out across the expansive rooftop.

"These rooftops saw a number of duels, competitions, and skirmishes. Sir Tarquelle, the Jolly, orchestrated these events and was in charge of the lookout duties of the Knights and Squires.

"He was a large man, a bit overweight, and drank too much. He chased the ladies and they smacked him back upon his advances.

"Yet, he was a fabulous Knight of Korbardain, my Knighthood. I knew him when I was just a Squire. He made everyone laugh with riddles, puns and jokes. He also sang songs of adventure, peril, battles, and of course the pubs across the lands. His songs always rang true, never a falsehood left his lips."

He turned and looked out over the area below us, outside the Fortress walls.


Telling of an old battle
Telling of an old battle

"One day, Sir Tarquelle stood guard up here with other Knights and some neighboring Wizards. A huge attack came upon us from the North. The villains and murderers attacked at full strength and attempted to enter the north tower doors.

"Quickly, the Wizards cast spells to transport the Knights near the attackers. Five magical gates appeared and 4 Knights came out of each. The villains were surrounded instantly while more Knights fought from inside the first floor.

"Sir Tarquelle was among the Knights on the ground, singing as he bashed heads of murderers together. He would stop every so often to take a drink from his bottle of ale, laugh, and take up the sword again.

"Our losses were meager, only five Knights fell and went to Shiragor. Twenty-five murderers had been killed, wounded, or run off. All became quiet. Madam Lunthia mended the injured. Sir Chadsturn shouted commands to keep a watchful eye for a re-attack. And Sir Tarquelle sat down upon a log, struck up a tune on his lute, drank from his bottle of cider, and sang a great song as the sun set."

The old Knight then turned back to us.

"Sir Tarquelle also now rests in Shiragor. Many of his songs are now lost upon the wind. May his soul rest forevermore."


A New Era

He shuffled his stance a bit.

"These are the tales of these three Knights. These are the legends which come from an era of this Great Fortress."

He looked carefully into our faces.


Standing on the top of the Fortress
Standing on the top of the Fortress

"Recently now, I have heard a great evil has come to this land and changed the face of the world. I noticed the burnt trees outside. Perhaps a new era has come, yes? I have heard of your alliances between your many Knighthoods to vanquish the evil that preys upon this land and its cities.

"This Great Fortress stands sturdy and ready for a new era. A new era of conquest, battles, defenses and strategies. A new era of many factions at war against one another. This Great Fortress may serve a purpose for the Knights once again. Such can be its destiny, and yours.

"This is why I tell you my tales... of my era of life. To offer you a comparison to an older era where Knights of Knighthoods came together and stayed together for all time."

He then bowed to us and said, "I thank you for coming and listening to me. Thank you Sir Winfield for gathering these fine Knights and people of the realm. My tale is told and I can now rest soon in Shiragor."

The old Knight seemed to become lost in thought, perhaps thinking of Shiragor.

"No, I won't die right in front of you," the old Knight said with a grin. People smiled and chuckled.

The Aftermath: Thanks to the old Knight, What is a Knight? and the Place Called Shiragor

We all cheered and thanked the old Knight for his tales. Knight Emmeril of PaxLair clanked his sword upon his shield in praise. I overheard several talking to the old Knight as they made their way to depart.

"Good Sir Knight," Cedrick Dionis approached the old Knight, "thou has my thanks. Tonight thou didst rekindle a knight's faith."

The old Knight turned to Cedrick Dionis. "I thank you for listening. Is the purpose of my final visit here."

"I surely hope not final. But anon, for now." Cedrick Dionis smiled and left the Fortress.

"I must be on my way now," Seer Sannio said to the old Knight. "I wanted to thank you again for your tales."

"Tis my pleasure godly one," the old Knight answered.

"I am no god," Seer Sannio replied,"although I thank you for your reference." The Seer turned to the group. "I salute you and your valiant friends. Good day everyone." People waved goodbye to the wonderful Seer.

Glanor then walked up to the old Knight. "Good luck Old Man. May you get your rest in Shiragor."

The old Knight looked at Glanor. "Oh yes, I think my final deed here has earned my path there."

Emmeril then thanked the old Knight and offered his hand. The old Knight shook it.

"Thank you sir," Johari said approaching the old Knight. "Your words have brought much inspiration to me."

"The three Knights would honor your faith," the old Knight replied.

"I am honored to hear that. What is a Knight would you say?"

The old Knight walked back and forth a bit and then answered. "A Knight is one of true spirit, faith, and devotion to his cause and his lord. While this may define many people, a Knight's strength is bound to the Knighthood and will give his life for the Knights and his cause."

"You mentioned one of the knights was a healer. This can be so?" Johari asked. "I always thought of knights as those who wear armor and glorified in their fighting ways."

"Of course," the old Knight replied, "most Knights had a secondary skill. In the real nature of the Knights though, they did not wear armour all the time. Mainly for battle, practice, or ceremony. They too rested without armour or aided their families in chores as well. They were devoted to their cause, and their families. Many were husbands and wives."

"More of a principle. Knighthood that is," Johari reflected. "Again, I thank thee. I hope that we in this time and age can overcome the peril we face and give rebirth to this place. It seems the power of unity can be brought here once again."

"That would delight the olden Knights to no end," the old Knight answered. "Shiragor would have a celebration I am sure. They do look down upon us from there."

Johari looked up.

"Or look over from there," the old Knight continued. "We are not sure where Shiragor is. More of a state of being. Some have returned from Shiragor though, but they did not pass through the final gates there. When a Knight would die, a healer could bring him back to life, or a wizard."

"Ahh, yes as it remains today," Johari explained.

"If the Knight chose to pass the final gates into Shiragor," the old Knight continued, "or was his time, then he was lost to us here, but remembered. I do not know if Shiragor will be understood in the future. It is a place only for Knights."

"How long ago was this age you spoke of?" Johari asked.

"Perhaps a thousand years. I have been kept here until this time to tell these tales."

"I see, they were inspiring as I said. Thank you once again," Johari said. "Farewell sir and hopefully we will meet again."

"I thank you," the old Knight answered, then departed.

Note: This is a Player Quest, not a Seer Quest.


More News:

The Old Knight Talked to Knights, Squires, Elves, and Mages at the Crossroads Fortress. On May 18, Johari and Exar Kun brought the Old Knight from Serpents Hold by boat back to the Fortress. There, the Old Knight met with many people.


Updated on: July 1, 2000
© 2000-2001 by PaxLair, a Player City on Chesapeake, Ultima Online