May 22nd


Visions at the Crossroads

Submitted by A Knight:

Ever since the Old Knight's appearance at the Crossroads Fortress near the desert, there has been talk of giving rebirth to the ancient structure. Exar Kun and I set out to retrieve Old Knight from Serpent's Hold for more training at the fortress. Once we found the weaver of tale, lore, and wisdom it was evident that we would have to sail back due to his disliking of magical gates. Several people awaited at the Crossroads Fortress for training, tales, and a hunt. We arrived a bit late, but all was well.

Some of us were surprised to find that the training that eve had little to do with combative skill but rather a training in knowledge. Old Knight further explained what knighthood is, what it meant in his day, and how the fortress was used. Passing a torch so to speak. Emmeril's son Seroth, awed by Old Knight's presence, asked fundamental questions about knighthood that were answered in a manner that enlightened all.

Tales and training moved into a discussion of how the fortress, now dormant, could be occupied again. Many had grand visions and ideas of what the place 'could' become. The Crossroads Fortress will become a place where knights can train together, plan tactics, and support one another in need. A place where different the knights of Chesapeake can gather as one. The Crossroads Fortress will also be used as a meeting place to discuss how and where they can best deploy their joined forces to ward of evil and protect the innocent.

The Knights of PaxLair and the Guardians of the Alliance are committed to this cause. We invite the virtueous knights of this land to join us in this cause. Please contact Emmeril of PxK or Johari of =G= if you wish to walk this path with us.


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