PaxLair and McManus Fiefdom [OOC]
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 24 November 1999

Declaration of McManus Fiefdom near PaxLair (Nov 16, 1999)


I wish to assure everyone that I have been discussing the McManus Fiefdom over the past week, on and off, with Ed McManus and Marilla as this topic started to come up. My contact with them has been Out-of-Character (OOC) as I started to look into the "possibilities" of a Fiefdom neighboring PaxLair. We have not delved into many details and nuances of relations between PaxLair and the McManus Fiefdom yet, but plan to do that shortly.

The Declaration by Ed McManus

I believe Ed McManus, who is the owner of a castle northeast of PaxLair and is a Player-Killer in KOC, made this declaration to add some story behind PvP and that region of land near PaxLair. His declaration stated he would protect the Labyrinth Woods between PaxLair and his castle against poachers and also protect the area around his castle from trespassers. These are the basic "facts" of the in-game, in-character scenario as presented to us.

I have been away for a bit of time the past few days from various discussions here.  Let me address some things about the McManus Fiefdom which has been a hot topic lately.

Working as a Community

Please let me state up front, I do not intend to keep you in the dark on specifics that may or will affect us in PaxLair. Open ideas and communication are key to understanding between all sides and individuals. I will not lead PaxLair down a path to destruction or an unfriendly (i.e., not fun) environment. We need to work together to expand our creativity and "use" of the UO gaming engine and environment to bring "realism" into activities and actions. This is difficult for me to lead, though, because I have no control over actions of others, the game mechanics, or OSI support. UO is a free-environment (restricted by the OSI rules of course).


What I see we have here is a possible opportunity for PaxLair itself, as well as more players within the Realm, to enter additional stages of our in-game community interaction. This opportunity might go in one or more of several different directions. Some directions might be good, some might be bad. Much depends upon how we, the players, intend to relate to, react to, and avoid situations. Much also depends on how we maintain a simple discipline of respect. It will take concerted effort on all parts and people to take a step back and consider opportunities and possibilities.

I know there has been a divide in the RPing community and the PKing community on the Chesapeake shard. This is not new news. Such divisions on some other shards are not as distinct as ours mainly because the RPers and PKers have worked together in various ways, either for avoidance or interaction.

The McManus Fiefdom concept will not directly solve these divisional problems on Chesapeake, but it may chip away at some of the problems if done sincerely by all involved. PaxLair does not represent the entire RPing community and Ed McManus does not represent the entire PKing community.


I know there are many animosities towards Ed McManus in the community and I do not take these lightly in my mind. They are very important to understand. Such things need to be understood by me, Ed McManus, and all of us as we attempt to "frame out" what a neighboring Fiefdom's impact is on PaxLair.

PaxLair's Design and Role

But PaxLair was designed to an extent to approach these kinds of problems, situations, and possible opportunities with an open mind. PaxLair is not declared neutral out of selfish reasons, it is declared neutral to stimulate a place on the shard where all people may come and work together. Violence sometimes occurs which is usually out of a lack of respect for or understanding of what PaxLair stands for. Remember, PaxLair means "Peace Place".

OSI continues to offer new challenges to us players through their game patches and their Seer quests. However, we can offer ourselves additional challenges since this is a real-time, virtual game with close interaction between hundreds of people simultaneously. The RPing community has offered us challenges in the forms of player-quests, events, and storylines.

My Role as Mayor of PaxLair

As Mayor of PaxLair, my role is to try to open opportunities by whatever means possible to bring our community closer together for enjoyment between groups and people of as many shapes and sizes as possible. This ultimately includes RPing as well as gamers in the long run. I do not say here that PaxLair is turning into a purely "gaming" community at all. PaxLair is an RPing community first and foremost. We (hopefully) deal with situations as our characters would deal with them, not as our real-life persons would deal with them. I know this can be difficult at times (*looks in his bank box and sees 400 gold*). I am a simple player like all of you so the success of efforts I propose are based entirely on your support and consideration. I DO listen to as much information as I can see or is sent to me.

Back to Discussing the McManus Fiefdom

But I diverge a bit--back to the McManus Fiefdom.

The Fiefdom was sprung on us a bit suddenly while I was amidst real-life work, but I have talked to several people around PaxLair and also Ed McManus. We plan to talk in more detail very soon. We have a PaxLair open Council meeting on Friday night at 9PM Eastern Standard U.S. Time at the North Tower in PaxLair, behind Luigi's Pizzeria. All are invited to come to the meeting. This meeting is the first official meeting for the PaxLair Council and much should be considered from our characters' point of view. Marilla and Luthien will lead the meeting; I am only an advisor to the Council.

Rules of Engagement?

In time, we should have some "rules of engagement" regarding interaction with the McManus Fiefdom. These rules will be based on what makes sense from our characters' point-of-view and what is realistic in the setting of PaxLair, the woods, and the Fiefdom. These rules could also go a long way to promoting "consentual PvP" in the PaxLair area, specifically the disputed woods NE of PaxLair. Such rules can become complicated and we must think about where we are and what the context is for the engagement. I do not advocate any rules or philosophies that would become an "RPing excuse to PK" against those not wishing to be involved in PvP.

Some of you may say "I will have NOTHING to do with Ed McManus or KOC, this will kill PaxLair, and I will never return." That is feedback I have already received and again, I do not take such feedback lightly. First, I understand this is not a KOC project, it is just Ed McManus' idea. Second, I do not wish to move PaxLair forward at the expense of people who have enjoyed PaxLair. I know everyone will not be on board with this and I hope the "rules of engagement" will allow a physical separation between those wishing to be involved in PvP, and those who don't.

Official Endorsement of the McManus Fiefdom?

Some of you may wonder if I "endorse" the McManus Fiefdom as part of the RPing community around PaxLair. At this time I do not. This does not mean I won't; it just means it is too soon for me to evaluate in my own mind where this can go. Over time with examples of actions done with consideration to the players and from the character's point-of-view, I probably will. But my "endorsement" only has value if people wish to recognize it; that is an individual choice. There WILL be problems, there will be anger, there will be animosity at times. I have no doubt in this. In the long run, though, we may achieve something greater within our community of players.

Philosophy of Roleplaying: Follow our nose? Map things out?

My philosophy in Roleplaying for a LONG time has been to follow my nose, reacting to situations as presented to my character. However, I realize it is not easy to react to new large situations without some behind-the-scenes knowledge of where such actions or situations could lead in the long run. I do not have the game plan for interacting with the McManus Fiefdom. The end result is not written. Some may wish to know the answer in the back of the text book first, others may wish to be surprised by the answer. All will come in time if we work together.

I am always open to comments, suggestions, and feedback.

Winfield, Mayor of PaxLair