Museum of the Virtues (MotV) Joined the PaxLair Statehood Alliance
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Tuesday, 18 September 2007

OFFICIAL NOTICE - September 18, 2007

At the PaxLair Statehood meeting on September 18, 2007 (held at Gryphon Hall, Luna, Malas, Chesapeake), Governor Winfield welcomed the Museum of the Virtues (MotV) guild into the PaxLair Statehood Alliance.  MotV, led by Lady Katherine, has a Museum and Museum Annex with extremely useful information about the virtues and special accomplishments for the Shard.  It also has study areas featuring races of beings such as Ophidians.  In the times ahead, such information will be needed to solve [player] quests and perhaps [live] quests within the Realm.

The Museum of the Virtues is located on Malas while the Annex is located in PaxOku.  The addition of MotV to the PaxLair Statehood alliance will enable museum curators and research specialists in great ways.  They can communicate better with PaxLair people and jointly explore old and new areas for notable information to serve the Shard.