Eoin Smithson Appointed as PaxLair Statehood Quartermaster
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Tuesday, 18 September 2007

OFFICIAL NOTICE - September 18, 2007

At the PaxLair Statehood meeting on September 18, 2007 (held at Gryphon Hall, Luna, Malas, Chesapeake), Governor Winfield appointed Eoin Smithson as the PaxLair Statehood Quartermaster.  The Quartermaster is recognized as a leader for crafting and supplying PaxLair Statehood, Cities, Citizens, Allies, and Friends as possible and needed.  Crafting and storage facilities are at Gryphon Hall for the Statehood, with potential other supply points and stations in PaxLair cities and fields of combat or adventure.

PaxLair Defense Forces, under the leadership of Minister of Defense Crypt Keeper, will need equipment and supplies at cities and combat situations in the field.  The Quartermaster works with the Minister of Defense along with Statehood Ministers, Mayors, cities' Chancellors, and others to ensure a steady flow of armour, weapons, and items needed for the adventurous and combative activities.  Many additional craftsmen may be needed and may learn a great deal from the Quartermaster.