Stratics Reporter Takes Residence in PaxOku
Written by John Duke   
Tuesday, 10 April 2007

The New Stratics Center.
(Sorry for the blurry Image)

Mayor Tatania Karthina is excited to announce the arrival of a Stratics Reporter to the PaxOku Neighborhood. A structured called "UO Stratics Reporter Office, PaxOku" was seen in the preliminary stages of construction, just south-east of the Homare-Jima Moongate, along the road. The owner was signed as "Kirsten Relic" and is known to be the newest Reporter for the Stratics Network. Although she was unavailable for comment, her home, as of the writing of this article, was sparsely furnished and maintained a new design to it, with paint still drying on the walls.

Mayor Karthina was excited about her new neighbor and looked forward to meeting her in the future.

Welcome to the PaxLair neighborhood Kirsten!