Construction Begins at Tokuno Inn
Written by Neo Of Lothlore   
Sunday, 28 November 2004

Construction Begins at the Inn

PAXLAIR, TOKUNO — Construction has begun on a new housing project near the PaxLair Tokuno Teahouse!  Citizen aspirant Richard MacBeth is building an Inn just south, and across the road from the Tea House on Homare Jima.  "The locals needed a place to rest safely," the Innkeeper replied when asked why he chose to create an Inn on the small plot of land near the Kitsune Woods.

"I wanted to contribute to the growing little community in some way, so I thought a safe spot to enter and leave the realm would be a great start!" he said.  The Inn is next door to the PaxLair Gardens, and is visible from the main road.  Mr. MacBeth also said that anyone passing through can be friended there, not just Paxlair citizens!  Construction will probably take a few weeks, but the soft grass is ok to sleep on for now.  Come for a visit to the new Inn today!