Kerrs Is Dead!
Written by Greyylene   
Tuesday, 03 April 2007

Treachery!  The beastly fiends!  Nevyn and his crew have found undeniable proof that Savages have taken Kerrs Holly!   The only thing left is the cutlass Kerrs held.  The horror of this news is unsettling to the DAGR crew.  Most who knew him were aware of the long standing rancor against the Savages, despite the Savage Ale brought back by Greyylene. 

There is some degree of suspicion as to the validity of the account brought back by the USN envoy.   DAGR and USN have come to a temporary truce to battle with the Juka as a united front against the common enemy, however the not so distant past warrant for Kerr's is not forgotten by either side.   It is said the look on Nevyn's face when he reported the incident was of some degree of horror and sorrow, perhaps it is sorrow at not having been able to take the Pirate himself. 

Town's people across the land met this news with mixed emotions.  One full town threw a party complete with a parade at the news of no longer being raided by the notorious pirate.   Others reactions are filled with suspicion and disbelief, those towns where the brothels lie and the bar tenders will miss his ale and gold not to mention the stories of his adventures.  

It is a grave loss for our DAGR guild!  A memorial service will be held as soon as we have remains returned to our Island.  Long Live the Memory of Kerrs Holly of the DAGR Pirates!!