A Mystery: Evil Trees at the Ladies of the Lair Garden
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 10 February 2007


Further investigations into the corruption of the Ladies of the Lair Garden revealed small eternally corrupt trees deeply rooted into the ground.  It is believed that a strong wizard or mage and someone who knows a great deal about trees are needed to uncover the mystery.  Governor Winfield is asking for such aid to come to PaxLair City on Saturday night, February 10, 2007 at 8 PM Eastern time.

There is a hypothesis that the eternally corrupt trees are rooted from the orcish ruins nearby.  These ruins, now just a small wall of stone, have been in PaxLair City for almost nine years.  The orcish ruins were declared as sacred long ago to appease the orcs; the orcs claimed they were the original residents of the meadow before PaxLair was created.

The Ladies of the Lair Garden was originally planted in PaxLair City on January 29, 2007 and was found to be partially decimated on February 4, 2007.  At that time, no one claimed specific responsibility for the destruction.  The garden seemed to be frequented by the orcs and the town drunk.

The Ladies of the Lair need the garden to replenish the food supply that was used during the harsh winter.

Sacred Orcish Ruins near the Ladies of Lair Garden