PaxOku "Jeopardy" has Tough Questions - Huge Prizes
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Friday, 19 January 2007


PaxOku's celebration day kicked off with a trivia game where every contestant in the audience answered a question about PaxLair or the Realm, and received a wonderful prize.

Mayor Tatania Karthina hosted the "Jeopardy" at the Silent Rose Library.  Some questions were tough, some easy.  The audience could help give clues.  One question in particular asked how many people could sit in the PaxLair City Municipal Building.  A clue from a member of the audience was "somewhere between 35 and 37".  The contestant guessed 36 and got the answer right!

Prizes ranged from 10K gold checks to 1M gold checks, along with other special items.  Everyone answered a question and got two prizes by the end of the night.

The Silent Rose Library at the NE end of the Monks Crossing Road in PaxOku is one of the largest libraries in the Realm, with almost 700 books.  It is also the home of the PaxLair Theatre Company which holds theatrical plays on the top floor stage.  A play is scheduled for Friday, January 19th at 8:30 PM ET.