PaxLair Grand Dinner Requests Made to Museum and Guardians Gate
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 18 January 2007


Governor Winfield recently placed a few facility and wine orders for the PaxLair 9th Anniversary Grand Dinner to be held on Friday night, January 19, 2007 at 10 PM ET, right after the PaxLair Theatre Company play at 8:30 PM ET.  He booked use of the Museum of the Virtues PaxOku Annex and placed an order for specially imported wine from Guardians Gate.  The dinner will be in PaxOku.  The meal and wine will cater to the tastes of humans, elves, vampyres, orcs, and other races.

Winfield met with Katherine, the curator of the famous Museum of the Virtues, to arrange use of her PaxOku Annex dinner hall.  The hall sits above exhibits of the Virtues, Chesapeake's accomplishments in the Ophidian war, and other recent events.


The wine ordered from Wat the Tyler and Fignut the Elder of Guardians Gate will be shipped via vessel, not magical means, to the shores of PaxOku.  There is rumor the seas may not be safe, so the Governor added extra insurance to his request.  Guardians Gate is rapidly becoming known for its excellent selection in wines.