DutchessVanHorn Resigning as PaxLair City Viceroy
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 17 January 2007

OFFICIAL RELEASE - January 17, 2007

Viceroy DutchessVanHorn of PaxLair City will resign as Viceroy of PaxLair City to be effective on January 19, 2007.  Governor Winfield will be the acting Mayor of PaxLair City for a few weeks while he receives nominations, conducts interviews, and appoints a new Mayor of PaxLair City.

Governor Winfield expresses his sincere appreciation to Viceroy DutchessVanHorn for her efforts as Viceroy.  Dutchess was appointed as Viceroy of PaxLair City on June 20, 2006.  She will continue to live in PaxLair City and focus her efforts on the Stable House, Arena Fight Nights, and other mysteries in the area.