Drunken Sailor
Written by Greyylene   
Tuesday, 16 January 2007

January 14, 2007 

Hidden deep in the hull of the Vharcan lies a secret stash of special Savage ale.  This special brew has an intoxicating power a bit stronger than that of human stout and even Elves may have difficulty holding it well.   Acquired on voyages deep within the jungles and swamps Greyylene holds it secure for special visitors and occasions of importance or potential.  Some would say its been a cursed brew, as its acquisition was less than honorably gained, where others swear it is made by Savage gods for ceremonial use alone and thus giving it properties of mind control and a tongue loosed of secrets.

It is well known that the Navy Dogs cannot hold their liquor; when opportunity arose to entertain the great Roland Martin aboard the Vharcan ale and wine ran free and wild.   On the pretence of a friendly encounter the Ambassador was heartily welcomed aboard. Many bottles were expired and a great deal of talk ensued. Secrets of the United Sosarian Navy did become loose and free as the ale.  With this information newly acquired the plans were quickly dispatched to eager and waiting ears of Pirates lusty for adventure and short in treasure.


May ye sail well, lads!