PaxLair Monks create Furniture for the Poor
Written by A Roving Reporter   
Saturday, 06 January 2007


PaxLair monks were crafting and placing finely crafted furniture on the main street in PaxLair City today.  One monk said, "I sure like to see the poors taking these free things."  Another monk continued to work diligently with a hammer and nails.

Chancellor of Interior, Elrohir Helyanwe was found in his office in the City Hall.  He said,  "The Monks do have a Permit from my Interior Chancellory office.  They are welcome to use the sides of the Main Street of PaxLair City for yard give-aways and other functions as long as the area does not become too messy and does not impede the free flow of horses, carts, wagons, and people down Main Street.  They submitted the required paperwork and associated fees to my clerk yesterday."

The PaxLair monks are continuing to spread good will and virtue in PaxLair City.  They are a quiet group and seem very neutral to all who come through the city.  They are dedicated to the gods of Virtues and operate their newly constructed PaxLair Cathedral between the City Hall and the Twin Towers.