Winter Solstice: A Fire Beetle Joins the Sun
News 2006 - PaxOku
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 21 December 2006

PAXOKU, TOKUNO - December 21, 2006

PaxOku adventurers sought out and found a rare fire beetle for the Winter Solstice Ceremony at the PaxOku Gardens and Shrine.  The fire beetle was led to the Shrine where it was set free to join her brother, the Sun, to bring more warmth to the Realm.  This is the first of a regular, annual ceremony celebrating the Winter Solstice.

The adventurers were Kethus Ellendale, NANOC, Braden Mason, Monk, Winmere, Winfield, Justin Credible, and Ashlynn.  They dared to enter the Yomotsu Mines on Homare-jima, Tokuno fending off Yomotsu Warriors and worse.  Deep in the mine, they tamed a fire beetle then quickly returned.

They passed through knee-deep snow to and from the mine, making their travel slow and wearisome.  Even the horses had difficulty making way at times.  More snow had fallen overnight and everyone felt a sense of urgency to conduct the ceremony before all of the lands became frozen solid.

Once at the Gardens, the fire beetle was led to the Shrine where words were spoken: "We bring you here noble child of fire and release you to join your brother in the sky.  May your warmth shine down upon us all and breath new life in the coming year."

The fire beetle was released in PaxOku and shed its warmth upon the people.  Everyone gathered back at the Dueling Arena and Hunting Hall at 800 Monks Crossing.  Many drinks and pizzas were passed around in celebration while people talked of more adventures.

A welcome and familiar old face had joined the adventure: Justin Credible.  He was once a co-proprietor of the Second Chance Provisioner and a member of the city guard in PaxLair City, Felucca many years ago.  All were happy to see him once again and that he still looked very healthy and fit.

The adventurers mediated upon the ether to thank Visago for once again setting up a wonderful PaxOku weekly adventure.  Adventures are held at the Dueling Arena and Hunting Hall weekly on Thursdays at 9 PM Eastern Time.

For more information about the Winter Solstice, see the following list of articles: