Villainous Fiends!
Written by Greyylene   
Saturday, 09 December 2006

December 9, 2006 - written by Greyylene

A celebration among "Allies" turns deadly when an unprovoked attack slaughters attending DAGR dignitaries to the grand opening of USN's new town.   Insults and injuries were heaped upon Budswoman who was attending the festivities as a token of good will to the newly formed alliance.  Dressed in Pirate finery Buds was caught unprepared to defend against an attack from someone claiming to be a 'friend'.

This attack lays a dark omen upon the fiendish cowardly dogs of the USN.  They have laid precedence to turn their quiet village into a town of bloodshed and mayhem.   Guardian's Gate will be no place of refuge or any degree of protection from the Navy.  They will take the name of Swampland Slumlords and forever be known for their sedition.

Pirates have a long disdain for the king's guards and his navy, tonight has yet again proven the king and his militant groups have no honor.   The unprecedented display of disloyalty and vulgar disregard for the reputation of the kingdom an open "pet tournament" gave platform for assassination.