An Unlikely Alliance
Written by Greyylene   
Tuesday, 28 November 2006

(written by Greyylene)

When is a war not a war?  The war of the Navy and Pirates would appear to have come to an abrupt and unceremonial end.  There was no fan fair, no celebration of the victors not even a good toast at the local pub.  A quiet meeting with papers drawn ending a long battle for the honor of the Pirate leader.  What of the need now to spill an enemy's blood?  Now t'would seem that the blood fever will be satisfied in fields of sparring rather than battle.

In the opinion of one Pirate, this alliance is a ruse to slaughter us as friends and not enemies.  Ale poured forth in great abundance and general revelry and rejoicing commenced with little encouragement, to a Pirate very little effort is required for food and drink.   No sooner had the alliance been agreed than did the bloodshed begin.  The party quite ended as arrows and blades crashed atop the unsuspecting DAGR's.    USN took and did quite overwhelm the DAGR's and they did take the day.  Will the treachery never end?