Vengeance Exacted
News 2006 - Port Baldmor
Written by Budswoman_Dagr   
Monday, 30 October 2006

REMOTE BATTLEFIELDS - October 30, 2006

Forces from both DAGR and USN clashed head long in a remote and hidden battlefield to settle score and exact revenge.  In an impressive display of order and team work the DAGR Pirates announced their presence with authority.  A moment of dysfunction caused the Pirates to stumble, but quickly regained footing to triumph over the Navy dogs.

Rallying behind Kerrs the Pirates stood ground and forced the Navy into corners and pockets where their only escape was death.  Surrounded by DAGR forces and running like rabbits the final USN fiend, Rigor Mortis, was felled as he passed by the lethal dart of Dorthy.   The battle was heated and raged for some time, but in the end the DAGR Pirates reigned victorious...