Navy Skirmishes Squelched
News 2006 - Port Baldmor
Written by Budswoman (DAGR)   
Thursday, 26 October 2006

PAXOKU, TOKUNO - October 25, 2006

Yet again the USN attempted to better the DAGR Pirates.  They were discovered lurking about the meeting hall waiting for  Kerrs to complete his report, but the Pirate detail with the  Commodore would not allow his capture by the Navy dogs.

A grand chase ensued and small battles raged freckled the landscape from the Ancient Lands of Tokuno all the way to Buccaneers Den.  T'was easy to follow the path of bloodshed by following the bodies that were strewn everywhere.

Our brave warriors fought and did win the day,but not without some losses.  We did quickly answer their threat and gave the Cowardly Dogs an education in Pirate etiquette.   We shant stand idly by whileour leader is threatened or captured.  Our loyalties run deep and blades true.








Quickly answered also was the blatant disregard for the rules of warfare.

When t’was noticed the dishonorable actions of  the USN’s Raiko against our own noble Flint.  The offense was wrought when Raiko attacked Flint as a one vs one duel was engaged.  The threat was met by Waldo and justice dispatched quickly.

Such treachery shall not be tolerated.Rules were laid specifically by the USN so as to keep their weakly officers from high damage.  When they disregard their own rules let it be known and felt DAGR Pirates will indeed react!