Hugging the Cliffs! --Regatta Race
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Monday, 11 September 2006

Regatta race this Wednesday night at 8 pm est. Come join the race and a chance to win prizes. The race will begin on Vesper's dock in trammel. There are no entrance fees and the more racers the merrier. The prizes are as follow; 1st place recieves 50,000gp, 2nd place recieves 25,000gp, 3rd place 10,000gp. There shall be referees posted in strategic points along the race both on land and in the water to insure there is no cheating. Rules to follow:

1) Racers may not leave the boat during the race for any reason at all.

2) Racers may not attack other contestants or bring harm upon them in any way.

3) Racers may not have non-race participants affect the race in any way.

4) Multi-member boat crews: if there are multi crew ship, a captain must be choosen.

5) The captain is awarded all prize money and represents his/her crew.

6) No crew members may leave the boat once race has begun, any crew member that leaves the race for any reason risks his whole team being dissqualified.

7) Racers may not cast walls, throw nets, or anything to hinder the opponent's ships progress.

Please show up to the race 15 minutes prior to the race for any additional rules or information, ships must remain dry docked and in your bag until Event Manager gives the GO! Good sportsmanship and honesty are expected.