PaxLair Ventrilo is again Private and under Review
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Wednesday, 06 September 2006

OFFICIAL NOTICE -  September 6, 2006

OOC: The PaxLair Ventrilo Service (PaxVoice) public password is currently disabled while Mayor Winfield makes adjustments to the system.  He is also reviewing a few activities while it was publicly accessible.

The PaxVoice system is a privately paid-for service for the PaxLair Community to rapidly communicate beyond the normal text communication abilities offered by UO.  Since the PaxLair Community is deeply structured as a role-played government, the Mayor, Ministers, and cities' Viceroys administrate the system.  Permanent PaxVoice accounts are available to citizens, allies, and friends of the PaxLair Community at the discretion of the Mayor, Ministers, and Viceroys.

The PaxVoice system will be made publicly available, through published password, at times when needed.  Typical instances are for shard-wide quests and events.