Results of Day 1 - Skara Brae - Partial Success
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 19 August 2006

SKARA BRAE, TRAMMEL - August 18, 2006

About 25 Sosarians met at Luna Bank Second Floor at 9 PM ET on August 18, 2006.  Many consider this Day 1 of a concerted and organized effort to liberate Skara Brae and more cities.  War planners hope for at least 50 people on Saturday, August 19th at the next Call to Arms at 9 PM ET.

On August 18th, the battles raged on in Skara Brae for more than five hours and they still continue while this article is written.  Teamwork was fantastic.  Three parties formed at Luna and then all gated to Skara Brae in one massive force with a battle plan in everyone's mind on how to take back the city from the Ophidians.

The battle plan was clear and worked very well -- stay together, do not draw the enemy away from their areas, attack house by house and area by area, do not open doors until the team is ready to all go inside together, and make sure everyone survived as much as possible.

Within 30 minutes, the stable area to the west was cleared for the first time, and soon after that, the Pub.  Within about 90 minutes, about a third of the Skara Brae Island was cleared of the enemy. 


After 5 hours, nearly half of the Island was cleared
but, the enemy on the mainland stood their ground and waited.

But as time went on, people had to return home to their loved ones and more replacements came in who did not have the battle strategy briefing presented at 9 PM in Luna.  Groups became separated, enemy forces were drawn out of the houses before the teams were ready, and many enemy ended up back at the moongate or bank following an unsuspecting or willfull spawn-leading warrior.

After five hours of battle, the enemy brought in reinforcements back to the already-cleared Town Hall and Pub.  In a few more hours, there may be more at the stables.  However, hope rests now on those valiant people remaining in Skara Brae still fighting with purpose throughout the night.  May we wake up in the morning to a Liberated Skara Brae!  That would truely be grand!

There is a Call to Arms every night at 9 PM ET until all four cities under attack are liberated.  Each night, Sosarians will meet at the Luna Bank second floor. The gathering in Luna has a simple agenda that takes 15-20 minutes:

- Gather people
- Receive the Mission Briefing
- Party into groups
- Depart for the city

This gathering in masse has already proven its worth; now more Sosarians are needed at each evening Call to Arms.

In fact, the Call to Arms now also goes out to all Guildmasters to bring their guilds ready for combat.  Each guild may "register" their participation with Winfield, the Mayor of PaxLair, who will do his best to make public notice of the guilds showing a strong effort in this campaign.