Ophidian Attack Map: PAPUA
News - Quests
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Friday, 18 August 2006

PAPUA, TRAMMEL - August 18, 2006

After completing the daring map in Serpents Hold, PaxLair Cartographers ran through the Fire Dungeon entrance at Serpents Hold and arrived in the Lost Lands north of Papua.  It was an easy stroll through the area until across the bridge to the south (just north of Papua).  There they encountered some (grey) Ophidian resistance. They continued into Papua from the north and, well, it got really ugly!

The PaxLair Cartographers bravely ran through the streets and swamps of Papua, Trammel mapping out the enemy locations and strength.  They provide this map for battle planners and teams.


Papua under Attack, August 18, 2006

Reconnaissance showed the enemy is nearly everywhere.  There is less congestion directly on the beach fronts and the Inn (inside it) seemed relatively quiet.  The bank is overrun.

Of more significant note is the mage shop is completely overrun inside and out.  That is the most convenient means to enter Papua. 

- From Moonglow Mage Shop in NE Moonglow, Trammel outside the city, step on the altar and say "RECDU". That takes one directly to the Papua Mage Shop.

- From the Papua Mage Shop, Trammel, step on the altar and say "RECSU".  That takes one back to Moonglow Mage Shop, Trammel.

The Fire Dungeon entrance north of Papua provides easy access to Serpents Hold.  However, getting to the Fire Dungeon entrance via the Moonglow Mage Shop - Papua Mage Shop portal, well, is not easy at all.  Hopefully runes still work at the Fire Dungeon Entrance or even inside Fire Dungeon to get to Serpents Hold.

Attack tactics have revealed the enemy can be killed and erradicated house by house and area by area with small detachments working together.  But, the enemy must be killed in and near the houses they occupy.  Luring the enemy to safer zones seems to only cause the enemy to reinforce their occupied house with more forces.  This wastes valuable time and effort.

Attack tactics have also shown several teams are needed to move forward in unison against several houses and areas.  If the houses and areas are not cleared fast enough, the enemy will call in more troops to once again take control of their lost areas.

Cartographers will attempt to map the other cities under attack as soon as their wounds heal.