Jhym, Songmith of Sosaria, and the Shire of Geistholtz
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Saturday, 12 August 2006


It is reported that Jhym, one of the old Songmiths of Sosaria, recently wandered the ruin areas of Corwyn near Skara Brae, Felucca. People talked to Jhym during his travels, asked for a song, and learned Jhym may construct a new stage and a few shops.  This would be wonderful during a time when songs and ballads are sorely needed to motivate the troops before and during battles.  Songs are even needed more in times of triumph and celebration, to record the history of our land and peoples.

Jhym pondered a name for such a village and came up with the Shire of Geistholz and Wintersoul Tavern.  It was suggested in a recent community meeting that planners and developers should find Jhym and learn more of his plans.

Learn more about Jhym's latest wanderings in the land here (UO Stratics Forum).