Kerrs Holley [DAGR]

Race-Gender: Human-male

Alignment: Neutral

Position(s): Viceroy of Port Baldmor and Leader of the Red Dagger Pirates.

Guild: Red Daggar Pirates - DAGR 

Portrait and Skills: Here

Age: 32 years

Biography: Kerrs Holley grew up by the harbor of Trinsic, and as a young lad started his career as an urchin cutting money pouches from unweary travelers. After getting caught thieving, he was sent as a slave to work aboard ships as a rower and rat catcher. After three years of slavery Kerrs finally escaped in a pirate raid and joined the band of cutthroats as a sailor. Building up his fortune, he left the pirates who rescued him to start his own band of sailors. Some years passed until the Red Dagger Pirates emerged as one of the more well known pirates to sail the Sosarian Seas!