Battle Plans against the Ophidians are working
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Tuesday, 01 August 2006

PAPUA, TRAMMEL - July 31, 2006

Reports are coming in from battles in the field.  The combat action plan drawn up by Nevyn of RBG seems to be working.  Guilds and fighters are fighting together with a sense of purpose.

Nevyn reported that several guilds fought against Ophidians in Papua with great success.  Residents of Papua cheered from their shop windows as the Defense Forces cleaned the enemy out of Papua at least twice.  "No less than 25 berserkers and countless lesser ophidians" fell to the Forces' mages, heavy fighters, tamers' beasts, and bards' music.

Why were the Defense Forces so successful? Nevyn remarked that "aye, we had some casualties, but the strategies laid out were followed and group cohesion held through trust.  Immense amounts of cooperation went on."

Battles continued into the night and early dawn hours.  Organized maneuvers against the Ophidians are expected on a nearly daily basis.  Keep close watch on the Moonglow Mage Shop where there is a teleporter to the Papua Mage Shop.  Moonglow is being used as a command headquarters for some of the Sosarian forces.