Fight Night: 5M Gold goes to Solomon!
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Friday, 28 July 2006


In a blaze of combat between 13 fighters, Solomon became the latest PaxLair Fight Nights Champion and taking home a purse prize of 5M gold!  The final two battles between Solomon and Twinky the Kid ({X}), who won 1M gold, were some of the most exiting yet.

Held at 9PM ET on Friday, July 28th, Viceroy DutchessVanHorn of PaxLair City assembled the fighters and judged the event assisted by Kayi of PaxOku, and many citizens and friends of PaxLair.

The fight had a 30-minute delay while some disruptions occured and the Fighters' List had to be quickly re-compiled.  The delay allowed some of the fighters to get in a little practice defending the Arena Tower.  The fighters and PaxLair Defense Forces also helped more people arrive safely.  When things calmed down and were ready, the fights were on with each round running quickly and efficiently.

The audience and fighters were able to constantly see the current fight bracket standings as the PaxLair staff rapidly posted each match result.

This long-awaited Fight Nights should mark the beginning of a return of Friday Fight Nights in PaxLair City.  However, the Staff is not certain if they will hold Fights on every Friday night or if they will have such a large prize.  Each upcoming fight will be announced.



The Fighter Lineup, July 28, 2006

The Fight Nights Skypage is here.

Warning to Disruptors: Anyone who fights in the area of or in the North Arena Tower in a non-consentual manner during this official player-event, will be banned from the Tower and all future PaxLair Friday Fight Nights.  The incident will be reported to the PaxLair Government for other PaxLair activities. Please be respectful and come to have cooperative fun. PaxLair City is NEUTRAL on Felucca and we want to cater to all types of people.  We do this for the Community... your Community!