Putrefied Brood Guard Dominates Papua!
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Sunday, 16 July 2006

PAPUA, TRAMMEL - July 15, 2006

Defenders of Sosaria descended upon Papua tonight to protect its citizens and patrons.  However, a Putrefied Brood Guard arrived and dominated the sleepy town.  The massive invasions of regular Ophidian forces wasn't so bad, but the Putrefied Brood Guard ... a completely different matter!  Death upon death ... undead spawned in its wake ... Humans, Elves, and Pets littered the swampy areas beneath the high trees.

At last report, very early on July 16th, the Putrefied Brood Guard was still at half-health or above.  Keeping it out of town helps, but not much.  Many die nearly instantly to its touch.  Tonight, people of the Realm bonded together to take down the beast and continue at the time of this report.

North of Papua, the Putrified Brood Guard takes on all forces of Sosaria