Re-Dedication of the PaxLair Library
News - 1999 News

PAXLAIR - July 5, 1999 - Winfield

On this day, over a year since the PaxLair Library was first constructed, Mayor Winfield and Dene re-dedicated the library. The library currently holds nearly 200 books of various authors, most written by people who walk the lands and give their books to the librarians within PaxLair. Below is an account of the re-dedication ceremony.

Winfield: Welcome Citizens and Visitors to PaxLair. I am Mayor Winfield, a servant to all of you.

Winfield: Today, I wish to thank all of you for coming to a re-dedication of the PaxLair library, a library that I know many of you have used. This library was first constructed in the 5th and 6th months of last year according to the gods' calendar. This is when the desks and cabinets were installed, and the wonderful book displays were created.

Winfield: *looks to the entryway*


The Alcove

Winfield: And some additions to these features were made more recently for very, very special reasons. Seer Deameon's books are on display here not just as a memorial to him, but also as a reminder to us what culture can be brought into our realm by people who dedicate their heart and soul for the enjoyment of others.

Winfield: *looks back at the people*

Winfield: Over time, this library has grown in importance for quests and for lore of the lands and people. Such lore is important for all of us to know for even our own personal histories. My brother Teal and I--we have separate histories but a common beginning. In time we too hope to chronicle our history within this library so that those that follow us may know what was important to us and our families.

Winfield: *smiles at Teal*

Winfield: *turns and looks about the library room*

Winfield: The contents, maintenance, and improvements in reading material here do not simply fall out of the sky. There have been some very dedicated people who have worked for months upon months to bring you the best of all libraries in the land. With nearly 200 books to care for, the library staff here has a constant chore and a strong personal commitment to keep things available to everyone in the realm.

Winfield: *turns to Dene*

Winfield: Our Master Librarian of Light is Dene and his wonderful assistant is Kyleria Dawn, Lady of Darkness. These two keep these books in good order. I now ask Dene to say words and you may ask him any questions that come to your mind.

Winmere: *Cheers!*
Teal: *applauds*
Winmere: Whoohooo!


Dene and Kyleria Dawn at the Library

you see Kyleria Dawn: [Lady of Darkness, Pxl]
you see Dene: [Librarian of Light, Pax]

Dene: Thank you Mayor, I'll keep this short as I know you are all busy and I don't like making speeches.

Dene: I just want to say, I am the third librarian of Pax--the first was Silvart who had the impossible task to start the library. Then came Tacitus who gave his life literally so the lbrary could expand to become not only the biggest of its kind in our world, but in all the shards.

Winmere: *sighs in remembrance*

Dene: Soon the library will undergo a much needed renovation, and it's now a job for two people as Kyleria is a part of this as much as I. So now I'd like to rededicate the library in the names of those before me and tell you that the ether library is now open with new books added there daily (hopefully). The ether address is with a link there to the library.

Winmere: *Cheers!* Whoohooo!
Winmere: *applauds Kyleria!*
Kyleria Dawn: *chuckles at Winmere*
Winmere: Whoah! We have it on the ether now?

Dene: Thank you all for coming

Winmere: *smiles in appreciation*

Dene: I can answer any questions you have.


A bookshelf

Vail the Cook: What kind of renovation are you going to do?
Dene: Well we are too small--the shelves do not hold many books
Winmere: The ether is the Best!!!
Dene: plus the desks you sit at are not practical
Vail the Cook: Ok.. maybe you'd need the help of the Carpenters of Paxlair?
Winmere: *nods*
Vail the Cook: *smiles*
Dene: We want to turn this area into a place of study and research, not a classroom
Winmere: Some redecorating is in order?
Vail the Cook: Ah, I see.
Winmere: *looks hopeful*
Dene: aye
Don Martin: *chair leg wobbles*
Winmere: *smiles* hehe
Dene: We certainly may need the help of the carpenters.
Vail the Cook: Well.. then you could divide books in certain categorys.
Vail the Cook: History books, Biographical Books, etc...
Winmere: *nods* I think that would help

Dene: Any other questions?
Teal: When do you expect to start and finish?
Dene: The renovation? Hopefully soon.
Teal: *nods*
Vail the Cook: I have to say I don't come in here often. Well.. I will try in any way to help you!


Current Books

Selected Songs by Jhym

Dene: I've got books from all types from orcs to Seers to Counselors. Anyone is welcome to submit a book on whatever interests you. Luigi gave us a book of his recipies so you might try something along those lines from the simple to the complex.
Vail the Cook: Well then I could give my pie recipe.
Dene: Not every book we get need to talk about epic quests.
Vail the Cook: *smiles*
Dene: My latest book was from Jhym a collection of his favorite songs

Winfield: How may people get books into the library?
Teal: How do we submit books?
Winmere: *thinks they have dual minds too*
Teal: *chuckles*
Winmere: Milord Dene, do we need to give the books to you or Kyleria? Or is there some other way we may donate a book?
Dene: Any one of us or any offical of Pax can take them. Myself or Kyleria are best, but the Mayor, Tycho, Shen etc. can also take your work.
Winmere: Thank you
Winmere: *want to read Jhym's forest oracle song*

Dene: Now I think there is an important quest about to start about Jhym so I won't detain you any longer.
Winmere: ... to find his voice
Vail the Cook: Yes, outside the Ladies

Dene: I thank you all for coming
Teal: *applauds*
Teal: *applauds*
Don Martin: *claps*
Winmere: *Cheers!*
Cylitheria: *Claps*
Dene: *grins*
Vail the Cook: *claps*
Winmere: Whoohooo!
Ore Hound: *clap clap clap*
Winmere: Thanks to Dene and Kyleria

Winfield: I want to thank all of your for coming and I thank Dene and Kyleria Dawn for their unending interest and dedication not just to the people of PaxLair, but to all of the entire shard. Thank you Dene and Kyleria Dawn. Thank you all.
Winmere: *smiles*
Teal: *applauds*
Teal: *applauds*