A Journal Entry, of Sorts..
News - 1999 News

PAXLAIR - June 30, 1999 - Jhym

*several crumpled sheets of paper lay on the floor in the Paxlair inn. One has the bard Jhym's signature on it. Curious, you pick them up and read*


It started a nice day. I went to the Ladies' tavern to sing a while, waiting for a friend to show up. hm never did show, oh well. I came across many folk that night, all seemed to have been warned of something. I sang my Forest Oracle song, which the folks seemed to like; need to remember to give a copy to Drake. I was going to sing my Ork song, but... then Harmort came by again, pushing his 'meteor detectors'. And talking about how he needed so many Dragon hides... must find out what Skorr has to do with that.

Anyway, he put a detector out, then talked with the pirate fellow about it, as well as the patrons. I think he really confused a bunch of folks. I thought he was talking of wisps or gates at first, but that wasn't it.


I kept strumming the harp and listening, until a large crowd started gathering outside. Harmort started to get excited, claiming his detector was moving. Finally I got up and went out with the others, where a fellow was trying to 'direct' people around the stairs. Eventually, that Dark Omen fellow Uziel came galloping up, wandering all about the area until settling at the doorway imperiously on his horse.

He started to spout nonsense about the time was coming, something was to happen, and I was to be the key. Someone else said that. *ink blot* *scribbled out names* Anyway, he kept at this, then I remember Harmort shouting something about running from the meteors. I don't know what happened. One moment I was trading words with that Uziel fellow on his horse, the next... surrounded by orc lords and dead pretty quickly with no damn armor. Then I was a shade, then... *ink blot* I just can't remember much after that... something like a ritual? A ritual, yes, and... *ink blot* Uziel's face, I remember that (ugly fellow). I remember growling at him I think, then I couldn't talk. It was cold and dark.

Then, I felt something leave me... ? Maybe... maybe I'll remember later. I awoke on the guardpost stairs, don't know how long I'd been there. Some young lady found me I think, it was a bit hazy then; she talked to me, but I couldn't answer and didn't completely understand her *ink blot* it's a blur. Damn orc mage appeared and tried to kill me -- I remember that. I tried to sing like always and *paper looks water stained* all I could do was play, I couldn't get the words out.... It was all a blur after that, the trek back to town, to the tavern.

The folks kept trying to help, the ladies were sweet, offering me drinks, but... several tried to determine what had happened, Uziel came up many times... they were going to find him? I don't know. I finally had to go to the inn, I was... am... so tired. I sit here -- a candle lit, trying to read the words, but no sounds come -- I touch my lips, they move, but no sound.... I tried to sing that lullabye but...
*paper is torn*


I wandered the town tonight, I thought perhaps my voice might have come back with some sleep, but... *ink blot* I helped Mephisto take a load of fish to the Ladies' tavern. Smelt just as bad as the batch at the brewery. I hope the ladies have strong stomachs. I tried to figure out how to ask where my helm had disappeared to, but I couldn't get the point across. The ladies were busy with their nightly crowd, I didn't feel like downing folks spirits, and with nothing new going on, I went to the tower to study. I'm glad I found that book, it will be helpful to know, if I ever get my voice back... when . yes when I get it back. *hole in paper* I never knew how useful our voices are. I can't buy anything, the vendors ignore me. I can't get anything from my bank box. I can't even use a scroll to go visit friends. I kept trying to find a mage to help me get to Corwyn, but they were all quite busy, so I finally just came back here to rest. Met one of the coven pledges, poor fellow must think I'm an idiot.

I wonder... maybe if I... *ink blot* maybe as a last resort; or maybe I can pick a fight with someone. I can't... won't believe that he has taken it forever. Gods, I'm blabbering... what would my friends say. Well, they'd say get out and kill some stuff. Maybe this dragon fellow will cause some trouble so I can sic his dragons on his and Uziel's annoying bottoms. At least the music still works...