Neo of Lothlore
PaxLair Community
Saturday, 10 June 2006

(Human/Elf-male) (Neutral-Order) Full name is Neolys Lwyndys Praximus; Minister of Knowledge for the PaxLair Community (2003-present); former Chancellor and Council Member of PaxLair City, Felucca (2000-2003); 73 years of age.  He follows the principles of Neutrality and Truth.  He was born in Endolein, Lothlore and sailed the skies on his father's schooner.  He took refuge in PaxLair City in Spring 1999 and became a citizen in February 2000.  After enjoying many years as a PaxLair government member, an ambitious law magistrate, and a city council member, he continues as a Minister of PaxLair and regularly resides amongst the tranquility of the many taverns in the land ... with the company of an elven pipe.



Character Born

Spring 1999

First arrival in PaxLair

February 2000

Made official citizen of PaxLair


PaxLair Council Member


Chancellor of Knowledge


Chancellor of Knowledge (retired)


Minister of Knowledge

Old Biography:

Written February 2000

In the early days of Britannia and Sosaria, there was a planet so very close to Sosaria. It's name, Lothlore. A wonderful world of elves of all kinds, living together in one giant forest with the occasional lake or river.

Myself, as a child High Elf, grew up in a rather wealthy family. I was named Neo Praximus. Neo, my first name is unique and mysterious to those who look at me. Neo means swan of the stars.

When I reached my prime age, 37 elven years, (rather young for an elf), I began working on my father's Yacht. He told me, I would take it into the sky one day.

After being taught to a gread extent about everything, I became interested in my father's profession: an explorer. One lovely day, I was watching the sky when I looked down and found myself what looked to be a telescope. I discovered that I could see many distant objects and that night I looked into it and saw this world of Sosaria at which was undergoing it's 190th anniversary of Mondain's defeat.

On my 135th elven birthday I completed my schooner and later sailed off the planet to the fine world of Sosaria. When I arrived I found the world was just like Lothlore except for the Magic. I quickly adopted the skill.

After the 300th anniversary I travelled to the town known as PaxLair. I met Marilla there. She let me decorate her house before I met the mayor and was accepted into the city.

To this date I am the Senior Magistrate or Judge in the court of the North Tower.