Ouch! I got the Message! Sky Page improvements underway!
News - Out of Character
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 29 May 2006

THE PAXLAIR ETHER - May 29, 2006

When the Mayor points his finger at you and has a soft but firm voice, he obviously means business!

I got that message pretty clearly in the past few days.  I'm the PaxLair Site Super Administrator handling the needs of the PaxLair Community.

The PaxLair site has grown to over 1000 articles, pages, and items, but they aren't easy to find and they are a bit disorganized.  And many are obsolete that need revamping.  Nothing gets deleted--just put in a virtual file cabinet somewhere.

I'm on it Mayor!  Already there's new front page blocks and better menus.  I hope you're happy so far.  Here's the next steps:

1) Finish up some of the navigation and structure for PaxLair-wide content.

2) Reconstruct the PaxLair Cities home pages with better facilities for city news, establishments, activities, government and all that.

3) Rebuild the "news" system for easier searching and reporters' work.

4) Get a new messageboard in place - the old one is nearly on it's last legs.

Oh, and guess what!  In about 2 months, the whole Sky Page system needs to be migrated to Joomla 1.5.  I can't wait! *ugh*

*back to the code...*

Super Administrator