Britannia Royal Zoo Has Many Animals!
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Thursday, 25 May 2006

The Zoo Community Collection Status


Caretakers at the Britannia Royal Zoo have on display many, many beasts of the Realm.  Donations were made in the past weeks and months by Sosarians to keep the beasts fed and watered.

The head caretaker at the Zoo said, "Yes, many have come here recently. We even acquired enough funds and materials to find some of the most exotic and nearly extinct species of animals.  Welcome to our Zoo.  It is filled with delight and marvel!"

The Royal Zoo once was plagued with environmental decay and many animals died without nourishment.  That problem may be solved and now, nearly every cage seems to be filled.

"I wish to meet some of the people who donated such treasures and goods to the zoo," the caretaker went on to say. "Many times they drop things off in the middle of the night while I sleep.  I am indebted to their efforts."

The Zoo Animals (Dragons and Silver Steed)