Wedding Celebration
News 2006 - General
Written by Tatania Karthina   
Thursday, 27 April 2006


Wedding Ceremony of FlameWeaver and Trinity

Friday evening was the joyous occasion to celebrate the wedding of FlameWeaver [X] to Trinity [GFS]. The Wedding was beautiful in an elegantly decorated chapel.

The Ceremony was officiated by Shiela and guests included: FaTaL FuRy,  Pravius  [*U*],  Lord Nilbog  [*U*], Lord DarkSaber  [D^N], Lord Alodar  [CAT], Lady Shiela  [D^N], Fred Flintstone, Lady Eternity  [GFO], Lady Fiona  [*U*], Fred Bear  [{X}], Shelbea  [UTB], Type O Negative  [{X}], Tatania Karthina [PaxR] and Xavier Reed.

the Ceremony itself:

Today is a very special day in the lives of these two wonderful people. They have chosen to join their hearts as one. Two souls...Two hearts merging as one being Their love burns so greatly.... That they have chosen to, for all eternity, pledge their love to each other. Within each of our breasts, burns a truth... A truth.. that transcends all time, all dangers, and that is woven into the very fiber of our beings. this truth is called Love... Lady Trinity Take Lord FlameWeaver's hand and repeat after me...

with your hand in mine, I pledge to thee my love, my faith, and my very soul. I give you these parts of myself to hold in a sacred trust. My love to your love, My heart to your heart For all eternity

Lord FlameWeaver Take Lady Trinity's hand place it over your heart and repeat after me..

With your hand in mine, I pledge to thee my love, my faith, and my very soul. I give you these parts of myself to hold in a sacred trust. My love to your love, My heart to your heart For all eternity

The Circle of Love is timeless and death holds no sway or power that can break the bonds of Love. With these vows you choose to forever bind your hearts as one.. Lord FlameWeaver take your ring, which is symbolic of the Circle of Love and place it on Lady Trinity's finger.

Lord FlameWeaver Do you take this woman to be your wife?  Will you hold her in the good times and the bad?  Will you smile with her, heal her wounds whether real or heartfelt? Through all the turnings of time itself?

FlameWeaver: I Do

Lady Trinity take your ring, which is symbolic of the Circle of Love and place it on Lord FlameWeaver's finger.

Lady Trinity Do you take this man to be your husband? Will you hold him in the good times and the bad?  Will you smile with him, heal his wounds whether real or heartfelt?  Through all the turning of time itself?

I do

Citizens of Britannia, these two have sealed their bonds of love, with thee as witnesses.  Let no man, woman, or child ever seek to sever what Love has brought together. Go now and delight in the joy that being a couple brings With my blessings and the power vested in me by the laws of Britannia I now pronounce thee man and wife. Lord FlameWeaver you may kiss your bride!

Congratulations go out to the happy couple!