Pirates Regatta on Saturday 29 Apr at 8pm EST
News 2006 - Port Baldmor
Written by Bad JuJu   
Thursday, 20 April 2006


Ahoy all ye Landlubbers,

                                 As ye know the Red Daggers will be hosting the Pirates Regatta on Saturday (29 Apr 06) at 8pm EST. be warned this event has been thought over well and we have decided on a counter clockwise course around the isle of moonglow starting at the wheatfields following the bash in the heads of the bunny event, With somewhars over 1 million in gold and prizes to the winner we have worked in a few things to make it fun for us as well. Many of my men have donated thar time and skills to make this an event to give ye nightmares for ages to come, the course be simple as pickin sea shells from the shores.

However, be now warned thar be "Pirates" in them waters. Be prepared to navigate through rough seas and face uncertian fate as ye circle the island of moonglow.

My officers will be present prior to and during the bunny bash for registrataion. Ships will be lined up in water as so all get a fair start. all keys to that ship will be collected at the rally point prior to the start of the race, mark your keys, ships must be given a name, BOTH keys must reflect the name of your ship as we may recall to your vessel at anytime. You must complete the course and find me at the finish line that will be marked with a simple barrel and bottle of wine. Thar are no prizes for second best so winner takes all.

Bad JuJu
Deputy Viceroy Port Baldmor (Paxlair)
Red Dagger Exalted, Red Dagger Pirates