PaxOku City Communication Upgrade
News 2006 - PaxOku
Written by Viceroy Gareth   
Friday, 07 April 2006


With the help of Zento city workers and funds. PaxOku city has gotten a new toy! Communication between houses. On top of the viceroys office is a communication center. Ten houses will be hooked up the the broadcaster. This can be used for:

City Emergency's: Such as attacks
City Events
Shard Event

A way to keep informed in your house in PaxOku city. The draw back is that only ten houses can be linked. We will select the most popular establishments to install them in. We also plan to do city links as well. For the viceroys and government officials to be able to keep in contact. A link between the citys so to say.

Another new feature coming soon is "Fire Side Chat"
Able to be listened to at almost all popular banks and crowded areas.

Luna Bank
Brit Bank West
Skara Bank
Vesper Bank
Haven Bank

Luna Market East side ( Vendor Strip Malls)
Entrance to Mel (ML Dungeon)
PaxOku Downtown Market
** We are going to try the fel yew gate. Maybe we can find a house next to the gate to put it on**

One spot open to whatever I think of.

We are looking at a Monday broadcast date and one other day TBA.

((This is kinda like Uoradio but done in character within the game. No music. We will do interviews, establishment announcements, Events and discuss the newest hot topic(s) on Stratics))

If you wish to be apart of the show just let me know. I always need help.

**During shows all EA rules and Paxlair rules apply while on the air.**