PaxLair Meeting: PaxLair City to have Tolls at PaxOku Moongate
News 2006 - PaxLair Community
Written by Winfield_Pax   
Tuesday, 04 April 2006

Deputy Viceroy DutchessVanHorn of PaxLair City,
Felucca is congratulated on running an "on time"
and excellent meeting.


The PaxLair-wide weekly meeting was held in PaxLair City, Felucca.  Deputy Viceroy DutchessVanHorn ran the meeting with one of the largest attendances in the past several weeks.  There were many newcomers to the one-hour meeting and introductions took about 20 minutes.

Dutchess kept the meeting on track receiving reports from all the Viceroys of the PaxLair cities and towns.

Some of the most startling statements came from Viceroy Darius (PaxLair City) and Viceroy Gareth (PaxOku).  Darius stated that the PaxOku trade sanction was having no effect on PaxLair City.  However, Darius said that such an action by PaxOku would not go un-noticed.  Therefore, Darius declared that PaxLair City, Felucca would set up a toll at the PaxOku Moongate on Tokuno to help bring more funds into PaxLair City for growth.  He said this was not an invasion of any sort into PaxOku.

Viceroy Gareth was quick to respond to Viceroy Darius' plans by imposing a tax on his own establishments in PaxOku.  The housing tax would help pay for the tolls.  Gareth listed the individual buildings being taxed, and appeared to cover most buildings in PaxOku.

The next meeting will be in PaxOku on Tuesday, April 11th at 9 PM ET.